How to use "looks" in a sentence


It looks funny and I can't help smiling.

A man who looks like a policeman is standing with two nurses in white coats on the hospital steps

The doctor looks surprised

"It looks like a city from thousands of years ago."

'It looks kind, but perhaps it will get angry

I went up behind her and said, 'That looks like a nice apple.' She didn't look up

People were watching us with strange looks on their faces, but it didn't matter

'The police say that he looks dangerous, and it would be better for everyone to lock their windows and doors.'

In fact, they were attracted by his good looks, but he was not confident enough to realize this

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

Is it the man with the dark eyes and dirty brown hair? Does he know I am here? Good! If he looks for me, he is not with Catherine, I think

Little John looks up

And then the guard is at the door, a short fat man who looks at us, smiles and then opens it without a single question

The two women move, but slowly; one of them looks down at the counter, where I know there is a secret alarm

"What is this?" he says, and he looks nervous but not nervous enough.

Hastings looks around

"You can't be serious? A bank robbery?" And for a moment he looks surprised, but then he laughs

"You idiots! This is an investment bank! There's no money here! Everything is done by transfer." And he looks at us all like we are children, with that arrogant expression on his face

"What?" Hastings says, and then he looks at the bag

He looks

And he looks more than nervous now

He looks scared.

He looks at the newspaper for a moment but says nothing.

Emily?" But there is no answer, and Oliver Stern puts his mobile back into his coat pocket and looks around.

He looks out across the horrible, grey loch

He looks at the loch again, at the jetty and the small boats waiting there for the tourists in the hotel

He looks at the bag by his feet

He looks at Oliver for a moment, nods, pulls his lighter from his pocket and offers it.

The man looks at the sky.

But Sylvia does not seem to hear and instead looks out at the dark loch.

Then he looks at his monster of a wife.

For a moment he goes down, but then he kicks his legs, and he comes to the surface and looks up at Sylvia in the boat

She has long brown hair that right now looks a little untidy

She looks over her shoulder again quickly and automatically as if she does it a hundred times a day

Well, Big Jones cannot chop me up if he cannot find me, he thinks, and he looks at the bag at his feet.

And he smiles and looks up at the hot sun.

"Well someone looks bloody happy!" a voice says, and Gerry jumps

He looks forwards but cannot see because of the sunlight

"Oh, is that right? Me and Darwin live near there! It looks like we're neighbours!"

Then he pulls a box from the bag, opens it carefully, and looks at the diamonds.

He looks at it and laughs again

Gerry looks down and sees the small crocodile biting Big Jones's leg.

And Big Jones looks up at him and is about to shout when suddenly he looks behind Gerry, and the colour disappears from his face.

Jake begins to feel sick again and looks down at his dirty old sneakers.

"It's okay," Jake says and looks up again

"How dumb are you?" his new friend says, and he looks annoyed

You do what I say, no problem." And Nick looks at him for a moment: "You look okay now: these new clothes aren't bad."

No one really sees him; no one really looks

But he sees, he looks, he watches.

He looks at the food on the small tables in front of the cafes and bars.

He looks like any other foreign tourist

Occasionally he just looks at his watch.

It looks expensive, made from black leather

The man never even looks at the bag

He looks up at the lights and the television screens

Then he is near enough, and he looks at the man

From here Jake can see that he looks nervous.

But then the man looks to the right, and Jake knows it is his best chance

He looks around and steps into the doorway of a shop for a moment

Then he hears the man shout, and he looks up and sees his angry face running towards him through the crowd.

Jake looks at the bag one more time

What he sees inside looks just like from the movies: the clock, the wires and the heavy packs of something horrible and dangerous

Then someone in the crowd says something, and the man looks around

The men stand and nod politely, and Carolina is amused by the interested looks they give Eleanor Chance.

"No, I can't, I must find the captain: he promised to tell me all about the new people on board today; you know how I must know who I am sailing with." She looks at the men

Then the band starts to play a waltz, and Eleanor looks at Edward

So he looks out of the window and waits for the judge

Sometimes he looks across at the defendant's sister, a young woman with long, dark hair and sad eyes

It is obvious what the decision will be, but it looks like he will be here until four now

Nick walks to the bins and looks around them; on the other side is the sister of the defendant

In the court room she always looks sad and confused

Now, however, she looks only victorious.

Nick looks at her for a second and then turns and runs back to the door.

"Wait," Mrs Dawson says, and she looks like she might cry

The Lee family is back in the room now, and he looks at them

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

Yes, he thinks Mrs Dawson looks best when she is scared.

The lamp in the corner of the room looks like the tall, silent figure of a murderer, and the coat on the back of your door has hands that almost touch you.

Then, standing right in front of you in the dark, you see the burglar, and he looks back at you and shouts

And then you can see his face, and you realise that he looks more afraid than you do, and he is stepping quickly backwards to the stairs

So he crosses the road slowly and casually, walks up the stone steps of the church and looks around once more before he pushes open the wooden doors and goes inside.

And it looks identical too

And an old man who looks at Barry for a moment before returning to his prayers

He looks to the right wall and sees what he is looking for: a large wooden box with two doors.

"Hello?" says a voice, and Barry wakes up and looks around in confusion and fear

He looks at his right hand on the steering wheel

He looks at his hand again and tries to make a fist, but it hurts.

The cop looks at him and nods, but says nothing

"Is there a problem, officer?" And he looks at the gun on the cop's belt

The kid looks about eleven, and they let him walk into the town from the hotel sometimes

Smith looks tired, old and unhappy

The headmaster, Mr Bowen, does not exactly look happy, but he looks content

But when he didn't come to breakfast this morning, we began to worry." Smith looks at the clock

And he looks back at the workmen, who are enjoying a slow lunch.

What a beauty, hey, lad?" And he looks to his son, Owen Junior, and he wants to see a smile on the boy's pale face, but, like always, there is nothing but disinterest.

"It just looks the same."

Owen looks back at the car and hopes that no one can see it from the main road

The boy looks bored already, and he is not looking at the gun bags with interest any more.

Junior looks around the forest

Junior looks a bit happier now, and for twenty minutes Owen talks to him about how to hold the gun and how to walk with it, while his son listens carefully and asks sensible questions that show a real interest

And Owen now notices that the boy actually looks a little bit like him after all and that he also smiles sometimes

"Dad?" Junior whispers, and he looks scared "what's that noise? Is it the police?" And Owen signals him to be quiet

As he lies there shouting and screaming and trying to pull the pieces of shot from his skin, he looks up at the beautiful blue sky and green trees and magnificent forest.

He looks calm

But there is something very dangerous about Hank Wynn when he looks calm and happy

Some people say that the reason his casino is called Shark Pool is because Hank looks a little like a shark

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

And Jimmy looks at the pool and the clear water, and he nods

So she stands, and she looks around at her fellow commuters and other passengers

She looks at the electronic clock.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

She looks at him

She looks to see what the pain is and pulls her headphones from her ears.

I have all my knitting things in here." The old woman looks very upset and apologetic.

Sarah nods and is about to put her headphones back in her ears when she feels someone watching her, and she looks at the corner of the carriage.

The strange man, the man who looks like the evil character from her thriller; his eyes are open now.

Is he watching her? She looks again and, yes, his hood is still covering his face, but she is sure that his eyes are focused on her.

She stands up and looks in the corner of the carriage one more time, but it looks like the man is asleep.

We learn a lot about how the government looks after us

He looks ill, doesn't he? His wife died suddenly last year

Mrs Danvers looks after the house

Maxim looks very well

Natalie looks quickly

The Cat looks back and sees them

The contrast between her Italian good looks and her Nordic eyes was devastating.

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

In the isolation chamber, when Dombey finished speaking, Tina said, "Danny looks so awful

Natalie looks at him

That afternoon, Bernardo looks for his hat.

He looks in every room of the house.

Anna looks up and sees him.

A man stops and looks at her hat

'Then it looks,' said Lettice, 'as though she didn't speak the truth?'

I suppose it is Mary who looks after it?'

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

The window looks over the trees and the railway towards Horsell Common

He looks like a good, well-behaved dog

"'The other reason I like Anne is that she looks very much like Laura

And her husband? What can I say of Count Fosco? He has certainly tamed his wife, and he looks like a man who could tame a tiger

He is enormously fat, and his face looks like Napoleon's

Marian, she looks like a paler, thinner version of myself! She says that she's dying

'She looks like my wife

She's not as pretty, and she's very ill, but still she looks very similar.'

Sergeant Gonzales looks at him carefully and says, "What do you want, bandit?"

He looks at Sergeant Gonzales and says," I am here to punish you, Sergeant!"

Sergeant Gonzales looks at the pistol and says, "Courageous men don't use pistols

Lolita looks into his eyes and smiles

Lolita looks at the books

He accuses the Pulido family." Zorro looks at the Captain and says, "Captain, you are a liar but I am here to punish you

Lolita looks at him and says, "Is this true or is it a dream? Are you really Don Diego?"