How to use "lose" in a sentence


There's no time to lose

"Don't lose it

'Who's going to lose their head now?' Alice wondered

Jenny wasn't happy about the wrestling but I won a lot of money - sometimes by winning fights, sometimes by losing them because Mike told me to lose them

I bet on myself winning a fight, after Mike told me to lose it.

Then I said, 'If you make that move, you'll lose your queen.'

He was a big man, with long black hair, and he didn't want to lose!

If I don't pay, my little girl will lose her home and be thrown out on to the streets

He would lose everything that he had worked so hard to achieve

He knew that if he told Cosette and Marius the truth, he would spoil everybody's happiness and he would lose their love and respect

On the other hand, if he continued to lie about his past, he would lose his own soul

Valjean smiled, his eyes shining with love and happiness, but he was beginning to lose strength.

Determined not to lose sight of her guide, Sala pushed her way forward

Sala half-wanted to rush home to tell Gran and Mom what had happened, but she didn't want to lose any of her remaining time with Cham

They'd lose a lot of money if he comes out."

Oh God, I thought, don't let Maxim lose his temper.

Their gaming philosophy was simple: It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you stay in the game

They go to bed at dawn, get up in the afternoon, and they lose track of what day it is

But now, if she started making nasty accusations after he'd been so pleasant to her, she would seem to be a hysterical harpy, and if she still had any advantage left, she would quickly lose it.

She had nothing to lose by trying to follow the data chain

It was important that she not lose it.

"Are you going to try to lose them?"

Although he realized that he was going to lose the argument, Elliot said, "Be reasonable

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

'We would be very sorry to lose you.'

I was afraid to lose you