How to use "machine" in a sentence


I turn off the machine

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

We began to move back to the hill, but Doyle suddenly saw more enemy soldiers who were going towards our men! We waited until they got to the top, then Bones began shooting with the machine gun

I pulled the machine gun from his hands, and shouted to Doyle.

Somebody shouted, 'Back!' I picked up my machine gun and ran towards some trees.

'She had an accident in the machine-shop where she works for six sous an hour, 'Jondrette explained

When she saw him over by the taste-pot machine, her heart jumped

Apat chose the jumping machines, as always; Cham got onto a climbing machine and was soon halfway up a wall

Sala stepped onto a running machine, and started to run.

After thirty minutes, Apat was still jumping up and down happily, but Sala and Cham took a break and went to the cafe, where a drinks machine made special mixtures of juice and energy liquids.

Up on the roof, they talked about all the things that didn't really matter: what they'd eaten for dinner, the weather, Apat on the jumping machine..

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

She had been there for about thirty minutes when a woman began running on the machine next to her

After another ten minutes, the woman stepped off her machine

Apat was busy on the jumping machine, and Sala was collecting a drink from the cafe, when she heard a voice in her ear.

He had plowed some of his substantial earnings into Las Vegas real estate, parts of two hotels, an automobile dealership, and a slot-machine casino downtown

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

She prayed that she would remain healthy enough to continue working and living on her own until, at last, her time came and all the little windows on the machine of life produced lemons.

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

And when all of a sudden someone does hit it big, especially on a slot machine where it can happen in a flash, they're so surprised they pass out

She typed in the code for the list of complimentary guests, and the machine responded at once.

She intended to determine if the words about Danny had been previously programmed to print out on her machine or if they had been sent to her just seconds ago by someone at another computer in another office in the hotel's elaborately networked series of workstations.

She switched the machine off, and the blue glow faded from the screen.

They plugged it in and tried to get it to repeat what it had done earlier, but they had no luck; the machine behaved exactly as it was meant to behave.

No James Bond cars with machine guns hidden behind the headlights

Nice little machine."

The other customers stopped talking and turned to stare at the stuttering machine.

As Elliot turned away from the machine, the eerily meaningful repetition began again:

No one here had rigged the machine

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

The old man crouched beside the machine, reached behind it, found the button

The two words blasted out of the speakers in all corners of the diner with such incredible, bone-jarring force that it was difficult to believe that the machine had been built with the capability of pouring out sound with this excessive, unnerving power.

But before she could think of a way to phrase her odd request, the old man succeeded in unplugging the machine.

He was carrying two books of the discount coupons that casinos use to pull slot-machine players into the house, and he wore a camera on a strap around his neck

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

By the time the latest washing-machine-frenziedcat-dead-beloved story was delivered, no creative energy remained for the job at hand

Any solid object placed in his 'transmitter' was instantly disintegrated - and then reintegrated in a special receiving machine.

A traveller would be placed in a cabin at the station, the machine would be turned on, and the traveller would disappear and reappear almost immediately at the chosen receiving station.

Andre's receiving machine was only a few feet away from his transmitter, in the next room of his laboratory

'Yes, Helene! I sent it through the wall that separates my transmitter from my receiving machine

'He disintegrated perfectly, but he never reappeared in the receiving machine

If you cannot find the dark glasses, turn away from the machine and put your hands over your eyes.

These scientists, they think a girl's a kind of machine

At the sight of this second machine I panicked completely

Then the enormous machine walked past me and went uphill.

The headless machine marched on, swinging from side to side

The fallen Martian crawled slowly out of its machine and began to repair its leg

By about nine it had finished, and the machine was seen to move again.

To their minds, perhaps, no other machine could be as large as themselves

The top of a Martian fighting-machine came into sight over the house tops, less than a hundred metres away from us

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

Outside and very near was the noise from a machine, which started and stopped.

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

This machine was shaped like a spider with five legs and a great number of tentacles

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

The fighting-machines were extraordinary, but could not compare to this building-machine

When I looked again, the busy building-machine had already put together several of the pieces of metal from inside the cylinder into a shape that was very like its own

Down on the left a busy little digging-machine could be seen, sending out small clouds of green smoke and working its way round the pit, making it bigger and piling the earth up over the top

The arrival of a second fighting-machine made us move back out of the kitchen into the hall, because we were afraid that from that height the Martian might see us through the hole

A fighting- machine stood in the corner of the pit

I watched the fighting-machine closely, sure for the first time that it did actually contain a Martian

And suddenly I heard a shout and saw a long tentacle reaching over the shoulder of the machine to the little cage on its back

The Martians had taken away the digging-machine and apart from the fighting-machine on the far side of the pit and a building- machine that was busy out of my sight, the pit was empty

I looked up and saw the lower part of a building- machine coming slowly across it

I believe they've built a flying-machine and are learning to fly'

And as I came out of the top of Baker Street, I saw far away over the trees, in the clearness of the sunset, the top of the Martian fighting-machine from winch this howling came

I came to a destroyed building-machine halfway to St John's Wood station

At first I thought a house had fallen across the road, but when I climbed up on the ruins I saw, with a shock, this great machine lying, with its tentacles bent and twisted, among the ruins that it had made

Far away, through a space in the trees, I saw a second Martian fighting-machine, as unmoving as the first, standing in the park near the Zoo

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

Across the pit, on its further edge, lay the great flying-machine which they had been testing in our heavier atmosphere when disease and death stopped them

At the sound of birds overhead I looked up at the enormous fighting-machine that would never fight again, at the pieces of red flesh that dropped down onto the overturned seats on the top of Primrose Hill.

The line on the London side of Woking station was still being repaired, so I got off the train at Byfleet and took the road to Maybury, past the place where I had seen the Martian fighting- machine in the thunderstorm

I saw the houses stretching away and disappearing into the smoke and mist, people walking up and down between the flower-beds, and the sightseers around the Martian machine that still stands there

A big car arrived outside the house, a huge machine from the white man's land

'I know for sure she wants an electric motor for her sewing machine.'

I am going to London next week on government business, so if you bring me the details of the machine, I shall get her the motor.'

He even remembered the motor for Connie's machine