How to use "forest" in a sentence


Some wild animals came out of the forest and ran away

We walked through the tropical forest

Suddenly, we saw others moving through the forest.

After escaping from Montreuil, Jean Valjean had taken all his money from the bank and buried it in a forest near Montfermeil

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

"You said it was easy!" Brandon calls out into the forest of silent trees that surround him, his voice full of emotion

Now, alone in the forest, he thinks he can hear the sound of feet in the snow behind him, and he tries to move faster.

Brandon watches the clear water tumble onto the rocks, through the snow and down to the frozen forest below.

"My God! Just look at that, Junior," Owen says with a smile, and he points to the valley and green forest below them

The forest is alive with life.

"Music? Listen to the forest, lad

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

Rhea says that it is just his age, and that all teenage boys prefer computer games and television to walks in the forest.

And yes, the last time they came to the forest, it was a bit cold, and they had nothing to do.

"Ha, well, I need to show you how to do it safely, so we need to go up to the old Abertreweren forest."

But now in the forest he is not so sure

Soon they are deep in the forest, and Owen finds a small clearing

Junior looks around the forest

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

"Now, I'm going to load the guns, and then we can follow the path there into the forest

As he lies there shouting and screaming and trying to pull the pieces of shot from his skin, he looks up at the beautiful blue sky and green trees and magnificent forest.

I still smile when I think of all the fun we had as children, playing on the beach and in the forest

We're all going to fly over the force field and live happily ever after in a forest where the trees grow gold-covered fruit."

Tina was in awe of - and disquieted by - the stately forest that crowded them as they drove north on the narrowing county road

Twilight descended into the winter forest, and Elliot switched on the headlights.

They drove onto the track, under the roof of heavy evergreen boughs, into the heart of the forest.

The oil-and-gravel trail led deep into the forest

"According to the map, that's nine miles into the forest on this track

On each side of the gate, a nine-foot-high fence, angled outward at the top and strung with wickedly sharp coils of razor wire, stretched out of sight into the forest

They wouldn't want a lot of daily traffic coming in and out of here on a forest road that's supposed to be used only by state wildlife officers

He started out of the forest, toward the county lane, which is about five miles from the turnoff to the labs, and after only three miles-"

The forest is full of trees and birds