How to use "mean" in a sentence


But clear skies mean lower temperatures

Mosquitoes mean there must be water quite close - probably at the Big Drop Rappel.

'You mean you're not in shock already?'

"Monster? You mean we're on the monster?"

"What does that mean, Captain?"

"You mean well never go home again? That's impossible!"

"Do you mean, am I a doctor?"

'What do you mean?' the Caterpillar asked.

'You mean, unimportant, Sir,' said the White Rabbit

I don't claim any constitutionality for a rebellion successful or otherwise, so long as that rebellion means in the ordinary sense of the term, what it does mean, namely, wresting justice by violent means

'I don't mean a financial loss,' he explained

But that does not mean they are murderers.

'You really mean it?' he asked, his voice trembling with childish excitement

'Three days to escape, you mean.'

'What do you mean?'

'What do you mean?'

'I'm sorry, but what do you mean?'

'You mean

He replied, in a voice so low that she could hardly hear it, 'I don't understand what you mean.'

'What do you mean?'

'What do you mean - of course?'

'What do you mean?'

I look carefully at my clothes, but they mean nothing

"You mean," she continues, "that if I tell you his name, you can help me? You can stop this?" she says desperately.

I mean twenty thousand

"You mean it's a crime? It's illegal?"

You know what I mean when I say a nobody? I mean Jimmy wasn't rich, and he wasn't too bright, you know? Not very clever, really

Do you know what I mean when I say cheat? I mean you use the little tricks, the fast fingers and the good memory, but you use it to break the rules of the game.

I mean, I'm really good

"You mean...?"

"I know, sick, isn't it? I mean, how many is that now?" asks another.

Why? What is it? What does it mean?"

"You don't mean..

You shouldn't have bought us such an expensive present - I mean, it's wonderful, but you don't have enough money

"No! Well, I mean - just as an idea, you know..."

It doesn't mean he'll actually do it

"I mean..

I mean the woman you saw yesterday

"What do you mean?"

"But I mean..

I mean..

Got a pod ticket, I mean."

"But why? Why would they do that? And how could they know that wild roses mean so much to Gran?"

I don't mean to

"You mean that?"

I mean, yawn! But it's just a part of what we do

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to suggest that," said Gran.

"Sorry? You don't mean that, do you?"

Pm sure he didn't mean it

"You don't mean it?" she begged Cham.

"I mean..

that would mean leaving Cham behind forever." Sala's eyes filled with tears

'What do you mean?' said Frank, quickly.

'What do you mean?' asked.

Then he said, 'What do you mean? What sort of holes?'

'I see what you mean,' he said

"You mean the police?"

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

I mean, there isn't any doubt about the cause of death, no court trial hinging on a new coroner's report

"I mean, I thought it must have been a divorce or something."

"In what sense do you mean that?"

"I mean, anyone snooping around? Anyone at the door?"

I mean, why here?"

Pretending surprise, Tina said, "You don't mean Mr

"Is that likely? I mean, how could they be sure he'd win the election?"

"And then what? You mean..

Even a primarily good government, when it's big enough, has some pretty mean sharks swimming in the darker currents

"You mean the medical examiner in Reno?"

"You know what I mean

"Surely you can't mean that," Zachariah said

What's that? You mean we're bugged? Then we'll have to abandon the car, won't we?"

"Why not? I didn't mean it negatively."

"You mean, charge a Jeep?"

And I mean that literally."

"I mean, what's your job?"

"What do you mean, uncle?" I asked.

"What does this mean, John?" he asked

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

'What do you mean?' he asked.

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

I mean that he had nothing to do with it.'

I mean...' She looked round.

'You mean I should wear black? I won't bother

'What do you mean - what had just happened? When do you think Redding shot him?'

'Do you mean that Miss Protheroe came to this house?'

'What do you mean?'

'That's what I mean

I mean, when we discovered the body.'

'You mean that after he had been shown in, he went out again and came back later?'

'What did he mean by that?' asked Melchett as we went upstairs again.

'Who do you mean,' I said, 'by "he"?'

'I mean the murderer,' said Miss Marple

'I mean Mr Lawrence Redding...'

'Suppose Dr Haydock mentioned that Mrs Sadler had seen him changing the pills in Mr Hawes' box - well, if Mr Redding is innocent, that would mean nothing to him

I was even afraid that the last shots I had heard might mean the end of our visitors from Mars

'What do you mean - a gun?'

'What does it mean? he said

'What do these things mean?'

What does it all mean? The Martians can't get out of their pit, can they?'

After that no group of men would stand against them, because this would mean almost certain death.

'You don't mean -'

'"What do you mean?" she cried.

'My God!' he cried, 'what does this mean?'

I mean, I'm not her mother

'Do you mean that politician?' she said.

'Perhaps, I mean, perhaps that really doesn't matter, does it? But they say he has so many wives and girlfriends.'

I mean the shoes.' Now the bad news was out.

'The fact that other girls do it doesn't mean that Mercy should do it too.'

And you know I mean it, too.' James is cruel

'What do you mean, nothing new?' said Connie

do you mean the army officer who has just been given the job of..

'Damn it! What do you mean?' cried Sir Percival.

'I mean I agree with my wife.'

'A very aristocratic family! Especially on his mother's side!' She stopped speaking suddenly, as if she had said something she did not mean to say.

Human rights mean that people are not put into prison because they do not agree with the government, and that people are not hurt when they are in prison

This may mean that higher numbers of women will vote in the future.

"What do you mean?" says the Sergeant.