How to use "messages" in a sentence


Sala went to her own tiny room, and played her ultranet messages

Stupid messages."

"You've read the messages, you've thought about it, you've even talked to your mom -"

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

If the government finds out that messages are getting through the force field and passing across the city boundary, there could be big trouble."

'I'm not used to having messages sent by Robert

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

"Are you the ones who keep sending her messages?"

"What messages?" Bob asked.

"Someone's sending messages about the kid?" Bob asked.

"What about the messages she's been getting?" Vince asked, still watching Elliot closely.

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

But those messages haven't been coming from a sadist

If Danny's sending me messages in dreams, it's only natural he'd use images he was familiar with - like a monster out of a favorite horror story."

He can't send 'concise mental messages' because he doesn't have that much power or control

Elliot said, "If Danny has this incredible power, why is he sending messages just to you? Why doesn't he at least contact Michael too?"