How to use "middle" in a sentence


2.45 pm It's the middle of the afternoon and time to film again

It only had a table and five chairs in the middle

In the middle of the room was a table with a large plate of tarts on it.

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

And suddenly I was in the middle of our soldiers, and everybody was pleased and hitting me on the back! My shouting and screaming frightened the enemy soldiers away

I went to look for Colonel Gooch, and I found him in the middle of a group of policemen

He lived at the Victoria Home, a workingmen's lodging house in Commercial Street, right in the middle of the murder area, and very near Goulston Street, where the piece of Eddowes's apron was found

He saw a hand sticking out from a pile of dead men and horses, a gold ring on its middle finger, shining in the moonlight

He took a piece of brick from the wall, wrapped the piece of paper around it and threw it through the hole into the middle of Thenardier's room.

After two months of happiness with Cosette, he was now in the middle of a war

Blood poured from the middle of his back.

Someone who thinks they can enter your house in the middle of the night!

She broke it down the middle, and the little dried fruit fell out into her hand.

I walked slowly into the middle of the room

Colonel Julyan, the magistrate, was a middle-aged man with a kind face and grey hair.

Tuesday afternoon Tina watched the final dress rehearsal of Magyck! From a seat in the middle of the Golden Pyramid showroom.

He would most likely die on the stage, in the middle of puzzling out a tricky production problem.

"In the middle of dinner, I might be seized by a desperate need to dash over here and act like a producer."

On the wall to the left of the bed, a poster of the creature from the Alien movies tore down the middle.

Halfway across the long room, they stopped at a clearing where a middle-aged man lay on his back, unconscious, in front of a blackjack table

Anyway, when he finally gets hungry and realizes he hasn't eaten, he gulps down a huge meal, and the blood rushes from his head to his stomach, and he passes out in the middle of the restaurant

"That's my middle name." He finished washing the first brandy snifter, rinsed it in hot water, and put it in the drainage rack to dry.

In the middle of the block, Kennebeck finally said, "I'll have to chew on it for a while, Elliot."

If you put a secret installation in the middle of all that lonely land, you have a pretty easy job maintaining security."

"We can't sneak into the graveyard in the middle of the night, move a ton of earth with shovels

She wanted to be enjoying an ordinary meal, on an ordinary evening, in the middle of a blissfully ordinary life, with every reason to expect a long, comfortable, ordinary future

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

"All the others are full of test animals in the middle of one experiment or another."

In the graveyard, the snow came up to the middle of Elliot's calves

He swung right at the intersection and stopped in the middle of the new street.

It spun across the street, jumped the curb, crashed through a hedge, destroyed a plaster birdbath, and came to rest in the middle of a snow-blanketed lawn.

"Here in the middle of nowhere."

There are thousands of acres behind the fence, and the lab is right smack in the middle

in the middle of the storm..."

If you haven't yet read The Eyes of Darkness, I am giving away nothing important in the story when I tell you that eventually, in a search for her lost son, Tina ventures into the High Sierras in winter, where she comes across a paved road, in the middle of the wilderness, that features heating coils under the pavement to prevent snow from sticking to it

'I've always wanted to be right in the middle of a murder,' he said, and went out into the garden to look for footprints

Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know that even in the middle of the day, in its warmest areas, the temperature is lower than during our coldest winter

Then something like a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking-stick, came out of the middle and moved through the air towards me - and then another.

He was fat, red- faced, middle-aged, well-dressed; perhaps earlier he had been important

A number of people were standing by it, and some soldiers were busy in the middle

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

In the middle of the night, while her husband is sleeping, she decides to go to the cottage

We wanted to camp out in the middle of nature.

In the middle of all of this, there was Montmorency, of course

While they rest, your boat goes out into the middle of the river

'Oh, look,' they say, 'the boat's gone to the middle of the river!'

Harris stood in the middle to help George with the cover

The cat stopped in the middle of the road and looked at Montmorency.

'Why do you need your trousers? It's the middle of the night!' George said.

The second wave of feminism arrived in the middle of the 20th century