How to use "minutes" in a sentence


Twenty minutes later, I arrive at the most difficult part of the trail

3.28 pm It's almost forty-five minutes since my accident

I have decided to do this every ninety minutes

Every few minutes, it blows down the canyon and makes my body shake

I stand and chip for twenty minutes, then sit and rest for twenty minutes

I spend most of the day chipping, resting, and counting the minutes before my next drink of water.

I can now only sit for a few minutes so I take smaller sips every hour.

It's fifteen minutes late but I'm happy

Twenty minutes later, Glen called back

It takes me twenty minutes

After about ten minutes, Eric helps me up and we continue walking slowly.

'It's about twelve minutes from here.'

Then, as the others made their way back to their vehicles, I stayed behind for a few minutes

Two minutes later, six large men with black masks came out, took us by the arms and took us down inside the ship.

The door opened again after some minutes

Wait for two minutes, then come up after me

'Alice! Alice!' she said after some minutes

I can't get bigger!' So she ate the cake and two or three minutes later she was small again

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

The Caterpillar was quiet for some minutes

She waited for two minutes, and the Cat came back again.

After some minutes, she heard a sound

'Cut off her head! Cut off his head!' she shouted, every two or three minutes.

A few minutes later, four policemen arrived, and took me to the police station!

After several minutes, Bubba was getting really excited and saying, 'Good, good, good!' Then he asked, 'Where did you learn to play like that?'

The President asked me a lot of questions about Vietnam and the army, but I just said, 'Yes, it's OK' or shook my head to say no, and after several minutes of this we were both silent.

It took me about seven minutes to win the first game, and half an hour to win the next

A few minutes later I called the clerk into my office.

I was away from Mr Slinkton and Miss Niner for about five minutes.

I did not stay there with her for more than two minutes

Within five minutes I saw her walking up the beach with a grey-haired man

We talked for a few minutes

The women talked for a few minutes

and in a few minutes he went out to the backyard

Three or four minutes later Albert came into the yard again and heard a sound like a bump against the wooden fence that separated the yards of numbers 27 and 29

Constable William Smith's beat took him along Berner Street every 25-30 minutes

He thought the woman had died between twenty to thirty minutes before

It is only twelve minutes' walk from Berner Street to Mitre Square, where the second murder happened

Twenty-five minutes later the policeman took her from her cell to the office

Mitre Square is eight minutes' walk from the police station

Nine minutes later Constable Edward Watkins of the City Police walked into Mitre Square

It was the same dark, silent square of 14 minutes before, when he had walked around it

His beat took him there approximately every thirty minutes, so at 2.55 he was back in Goulston Street

And only minutes before at 1.41 or 1.42 another officer looked into the square from Church Passage

So in less than fifteen minutes the Ripper took Catherine into Mitre square, killed her, mutilated her horribly, and escaped - right under the noses of the police! His escape was amazing

But the discovery of the apron shows that the killer was out in the streets at some time between 2.20 and 2.55 36 to 71 minutes after Watkins discovered the body

Goulston Street is only five minutes from Mitre square

When they went into the court, he waited around for about 45 minutes

A few minutes later, an old woman came out of the cathedral and saw him lying there.

Within minutes he was running along the path, shouting

Cosette gazed at the doll for several minutes but, remembering her job, she sighed and continued on her way

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

A few minutes later, having heard only silence, he turned round

Several minutes passed, and then the light disappeared

Every few minutes, he stopped in the shadows of a doorway or at the corner of a street to look back

I ran ahead to tell you he'll be here in two minutes.'

Leblanc and 'Ursula' out of the door and, after a few minutes' indecision, Marius jumped down from the cupboard and ran out into the street

A few minutes later, there was nobody in the building except for Marius and the Jondrettes

The conversation continued politely in this way for several minutes

'You'll be shot two minutes before the barricade falls,' Enjolras informed him.

His anger and misery of minutes before had been replaced by a terrible calmness

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

Neither of them spoke for several minutes

He would then stare at the house for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks, before turning round and slowly returning home.

Ten minutes exactly

"Seven minutes!" I shout to Little John, and he covers the last camera with plastic.

"Four minutes!"

"Can't we just go out for a few minutes, please? Just to enjoy the sunset?"

"Ay, well, just for 10 minutes then."

For five minutes Oliver rows, and soon the jetty and the hotel look much smaller, while the attendant is almost impossible to see in the half-light of the new evening.

His shift finishes in five minutes, but there is no one around in Howarth's quiet police station, and so he leads the woman to the first interview room and tries to suppress the image of a pint of beer in the Black Bull pub.

He has at least ten minutes; no jury can make a decision in less than ten minutes.

But after a few minutes he realises how tired he is, and he thinks that maybe he can close his eyes for a moment and even rest his head against the grille.

And he got to the truck and managed to drive to the road, where for a few minutes he thought he was free

They walk along the corridors for five minutes and reach an internal courtyard.

Junior looks a bit happier now, and for twenty minutes Owen talks to him about how to hold the gun and how to walk with it, while his son listens carefully and asks sensible questions that show a real interest

It is seven thirty-six: her train should be here in two minutes.

She hears the train in the dark tunnel and tells herself to wake up and to focus for another forty minutes.

The forty minutes from Liverpool Street to North Acton.

For ten minutes she reads her crime novel

After a few more minutes she feels the train stop and she is aware of the kids getting off.

For the first thirty minutes, they chose the illusion of a big nightclub with a famous band playing

After thirty minutes, Apat was still jumping up and down happily, but Sala and Cham took a break and went to the cafe, where a drinks machine made special mixtures of juice and energy liquids.

Five minutes went by

Fifteen minutes later, Sala was dressed in her own clothes again, and was sitting next to Cham near the changing rooms

But we can meet before? Outside, fifteen minutes early?"

She counted the minutes until it was time to leave for the pod center

Fifteen, twenty minutes

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

She had been there for about thirty minutes when a woman began running on the machine next to her

After another ten minutes, the woman stepped off her machine

"Ten minutes," said Wena.

Thirty minutes

The minutes passed

"Do you think we could have a few minutes to talk on our own, at the end of the hour?"

Fifteen minutes left

Twelve minutes

"Let's give Sala a few minutes alone with Cham."

Five precious minutes left.

I wanted to be alone for a few minutes

The little clock by my bed ticked away the minutes

He went across the lawn only a few minutes ago.'

Captain Searle came into the library about fifteen minutes later

In a few minutes it had covered my feet

We sat there together for some minutes without saying anything

The minutes went by

Five minutes passed

'Colonel Julyan will be here in ten minutes,' he said.

She went out and in a few minutes a tall man came into the room.

No one said anything for a few minutes

'We are beginning again in twenty minutes.'

At six minutes past midnight, Tuesday morning, on the way home from a late rehearsal of her new stage show, Tina Evans saw her son, Danny, in a stranger's car

Five minutes later, she was home

She remained on guard for a few minutes, but the night was so peaceful that at last she had to admit she was alone

Twenty minutes later, at 3:45, she stepped onto the smooth cobblestones in front of the hotel's main entrance and handed her claim check to the valet parking attendant

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

Carol Hirson, a cocktail waitress who was a friend of Tina's, had told her about the unlucky Texans a few minutes ago

She let the hot water beat down on her neck for several minutes, until the stiffness in her muscles melted and flowed away.

Twenty-five minutes before showtime Tina left the stage and went into the noisy showroom

They made pleasant small talk for the next fifteen minutes, and none of it had to do with Magyck! Tina was aware that they were trying to take her mind off the show, and she appreciated their effort.

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

Less than ten minutes later, when the curtains opened again, the mirrors had been taken away, and the stage had been transformed into an ice rink; the second production number was done on skates against a winter backdrop so real that it made Elliot shiver.

Gradually Vivienne's heartbeat subsided from the hard, frantic rhythm that it had been keeping for the past couple of minutes

The final curtain came down at eight minutes till ten o'clock, and the ovation continued until after Tina's wristwatch had marked the hour

The heating system rumbled to life, and for a couple of minutes at a time, the blower whispered wordlessly as hot air pushed through the vents.

For almost five minutes, the room seemed to have come alive.

A couple of minutes later, having completed the call, Tina went back to Danny's room to survey the damage again

Tina arrived at Bally's Hotel at ten minutes till two, Wednesday afternoon, leaving her Honda with a valet parking attendant.

"I've got a break coming up in five minutes."

She waited impatiently as the five minutes crawled by; she was never comfortable in a casino when it was busy

"Twenty minutes

She turned away from him and started toward the rear entrance of the hotel, out of which they'd come a few minutes ago.

In a few minutes, she got control of herself

Tina returned to her inspection of the carpenter's bill, and Angela was back at five minutes past four with thirty pages of data.

The last few minutes - my office got chilly."

Nevertheless, the room was much cooler than it had been only minutes ago.

When we finished our work a couple minutes ago, I came up to see if you were here

She felt more relaxed than she'd been ten minutes ago, but she wasn't even slightly tipsy

He'd only need a few minutes

He enjoyed discussing antiques and paintings with her, and an hour passed in what seemed to be only ten minutes.

I'll be back in five minutes, and then you'll see how a true culinary genius operates."

He walked her to her Honda in the driveway and leaned in the window after she was behind the wheel, delaying her for another fifteen minutes while he planned, to her satisfaction, every dish of this evening's dinner.

After twenty minutes of diligent mixing, Elliot found Harold Kennebeck

"This will take me maybe fifteen or twenty minutes."

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

The man in the kitchen was still unconscious and would probably remain that way for another ten or fifteen minutes

He could be at her place in five minutes.

But she hadn't read the story until a few minutes ago

Three or four minutes later, the doorbell rang - one, two, three, four times, insistently.

"A few minutes ago

"He left just a couple minutes before you came in."

"Fifteen, twenty minutes."

But when Bruckster had come into the hotel thirty minutes ago, Evans had been chatting with the players at his blackjack table, cracking jokes, and grinning as if nothing of any importance had happened in his life lately.

He was confident that he would nail Evans when the man returned from the dealer's lounge in the next few minutes.

"Eighty minutes."

Fifteen minutes later Alexander put down the telephone

Fifteen minutes later computer operations called back with its report

The temperature drops abruptly, stays down for two or three minutes, never longer than five, and then it rises to normal again."

After a few minutes he said, "You were right."

As usual, he nodded off minutes after the aircraft lifted from the runway.

Two minutes

Carlton Dombey, who had come on duty twenty minutes ago, sat at one of the tables against the north wall

Five minutes west of Reno, the chopper encountered snow

It opened onto a junction of two hallways, which Tina had discovered a few minutes ago, just after Elliot had shot the guard, when she had peeked through the door to see if reinforcements were on the way.

Alexander was increasingly confident that they would reach the installation unscathed, and he was aware that even Kurt Hensen, who hated flying with Morgan, was calmer now than he had been ten minutes ago.

"Ten minutes

She came back some minutes later with a large brown envelope.

Shaking with fear, I did as he asked, and in less than five minutes I was back

Twenty minutes later he carefully folded them and put them into the brown envelope

'He came a few minutes ago

'Well, he can't have stayed more than two minutes.'

Twenty- two minutes past six

'Five minutes past seven

I heard about it ten minutes ago, at five to seven

And if you examined it at ten minutes to..

Because when that clock said twenty past six it was really only five minutes past, and at five minutes past I don't suppose Colonel Protheroe had even arrived at the house.'

Your maid said that Mr Redding was only in the house for two minutes

'A few minutes before I got to the house.'

Five or ten minutes afterwards

'About ten minutes later

'At twenty minutes past six

Ten minutes - a quarter of an hour - not longer than that.'

'At twenty minutes past six?' said Miss Marple

He'd only been there for five minutes

For the next ten minutes, they were careful to be seen by people in the village, then at last Mr Redding went back to the vicarage

Then he set fire to the end of the rope, knowing that it would take about twenty minutes to burn through and for the stone to fall and cause the explosion

A few minutes earlier there had only been three things in my mind: the great size of the night and space and nature, my own weakness and unhappiness, and the near approach of death

A few minutes later these three were joined by four other Martians, each carrying a thick black tube

Silence returned, and three minutes passed.

The steam stayed in the air for many minutes, hiding the third Martian and the coast

For a few minutes we fought together

I waited for about twenty minutes, and then she returned.

After hearing this strange story, Holmes sat silent for a few minutes, thinking

Mr Grant Munro did not say anything for two minutes, and his answer was one of which I love to think

We waited twenty minutes for a taxi

Taxis usually come every three minutes.

Harris said to his friend, 'We'll go in and walk around for ten minutes

In the maze, they met some people who had been there for forty-five minutes

Harris said, 'Follow me! I'm going out in ten minutes.' The people thanked him and started following him

It will only take a few minutes.'

After ten minutes of hard work, Harris was inside the cover! He was fighting to get out

For thirty-five minutes nobody spoke

Twenty minutes later, three men and a dog were going to the railway station.

After a few minutes, Laura ran into the room and threw her arms around my neck

After a few minutes of intense thought, he sat down again and said, 'What I'm going to tell you now is a secret, and I could be killed for telling it to you

In 1932, she was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic, which she did in 14 hours and 56 minutes.

She was the first person to fly alone from Los Angeles to Mexico City, which she did in 13 hours and 23 minutes

And she was the first person to fly alone without stopping from Mexico City to Newark, USA, which she did in 14 hours and 19 minutes.

Funk was in there for 10 hours and 35 minutes