How to use "moment" in a sentence


But I'm not thinking of danger at the moment

How much longer can I survive? Death could come at any moment

That moment is like the sun coming out

I could still die at any moment

At that moment, I touched something hard

The Captain showed Ned and Conseil to their rooms, but he stopped me for a moment.

At that moment, I felt a strong hand knock the telescope away from my eye.

At that moment, I understood everything

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment

Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.

The clerk searched through his files for a moment and then he brought me some papers.

He thought for a moment

He thought for a moment and then he spoke to me.

Beckwith paused for a moment to look at Slinkton

At that moment he heard footsteps

At that moment she heard 'screams of "Murder!" two or three times in a female voice'

Forgetting her troubles for a moment, she smiled at the dentist's humorous efforts to sell the people of Montreuil false teeth.

While the policeman was trying to drag her to her feet, however, a voice from the shadows said, 'One moment please.'

'You're too weak to see her at the moment

At that moment the door opened and Eponine and Azelma appeared

'What would you say,' the old man said after a moment's thought, 'if I offered to take the child from you?'

What he had experienced in that moment was not the honest, innocent gaze of a child

Whatever it was, Marius sensed that, after that moment, his life would never be the same.

He stood for a moment staring after them as they disappeared round a corner

Then, when everything had been explained, Javert thought for a moment

'It's Eponine's handwriting!' he cried a moment later

For a moment all the blood seemed to leave M

The old man paused for a moment before saying, 'So, you want to get married at the age of twenty-one

For a moment, nothing happened

Neither did he see, at the moment the soldier fired, a young boy dressed in rags jump in front of the gun and fall wounded as the bullet meant for Marius hit him in the hand.

For a moment she was silent

So she still loved him! He thought for a moment that now he must not die, but then he thought, 'She's going away.'

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

Jean Valjean, at that moment, was in a state of terrible shock

At the same moment there was the sound of a drum, followed by a loud roar.

The soldiers might discover the grille by the barricade at any moment, and come down in search of him.

Valjean went into his house and called, 'It's me!' Climbing the stairs, he paused for a moment to look out of the window to see what Javert was doing

At that moment, Marius's eyes slowly opened and his gaze rested upon M

Thenardier looked puzzled for a moment, then said, 'Monsieur, I think you are mistaken.'

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

I do not know what to do for a moment

For a moment I think that I am dead and that Catherine is alone, tied to the grey stone in the fog

For a moment more I run, and I can see the shape of the stone where Catherine is tied, and I fall to the floor in front of it

The tall man is silent for a moment: "Who knows? I don't want to understand the mind of these psychopaths

"You can't be serious? A bank robbery?" And for a moment he looks surprised, but then he laughs

He looks at the newspaper for a moment but says nothing.

For a moment there is nothing; then the fans start.

He looks at Oliver for a moment, nods, pulls his lighter from his pocket and offers it.

For a moment he goes down, but then he kicks his legs, and he comes to the surface and looks up at Sylvia in the boat

And she has deep-green eyes that at the moment are tired and nervous and show something which he does not completely recognise.

She waits for a moment, uncertain, and then she takes a breath

She nods and bites her red fingernails for a moment

He does not believe the brothers, not for a moment

One moment it is the scent of hotdogs, onions, tomatoes, fries or donuts

You do what I say, no problem." And Nick looks at him for a moment: "You look okay now: these new clothes aren't bad."

He thinks about home for a moment, but that is too far away now, and too long ago.

He looks around and steps into the doorway of a shop for a moment

And for a moment he does not understand.

For a moment he has no idea what to do or where to go

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

For a moment there is an awkward silence, and Peter and Michael exchange a smile

And at this point she screams and runs from the building and falls to the floor." Eleanor stops speaking, and for a moment there is silence at the table.

Michael takes a moment to think about it and then nods

"Yes," Eleanor says, and for a moment more there is silence again.

One moment you are asleep, your dreams calm and gentle and your body warm in the blankets of your bed

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

How long ago was his last visit to this cold stone building? More than twenty years? Well, that is not important at the moment

And an old man who looks at Barry for a moment before returning to his prayers

He pauses for a moment to try and remember what he has to do next, but then the door to the church opens again, and three women enter

But after a few minutes he realises how tired he is, and he thinks that maybe he can close his eyes for a moment and even rest his head against the grille.

"Yes, I'm here," he says, and for a moment there is silence before he remembers what to say

And he thinks for a moment about not stopping, but there is nowhere for him to go

For a moment he does nothing

But in the reflection of the red paint he sees the cop raise his hand, and in the soft evening light he sees the knife, and for a moment he does not understand.

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

One moment they were running; the next there was the sound of the gun and a scream

There is only the sound of the waterfall for a moment

"Wait a moment, Jimmy

Wait one moment," Hank says, and he puts his hand on Jimmy's head, and Jimmy tries to move away

For a moment Jimmy is silent

And for a moment Hank is silent

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

For a moment Hank Wynn stops, and maybe there is a second where he believes poor Jimmy Lane

But for a moment Clive and Kenny wait, stepping backwards so that the waves caused by the feeding frenzy do not get at them.

For a moment Clive is silent

For a moment she thinks about how quiet the platform is, and how normally she has to fight to get on the train in the evening.

"It's okay, dear, you will feel better in a moment

For one awful moment, she thought Gran might even fall over.

Gran stared into the distance for a moment, deep in thought

It disappeared under the surface for a moment, so Sala looked around.

It felt like a moment of magic: they'd never been so close.

Cham was silent for a moment

At that moment, a door opened at the far end of the room, and a man appeared

For a moment, this felt as unreal as being in a pod

It took a moment for her words to have an effect.

Wena was silent for a moment

They all fell silent for a moment.

When the ultranet interface went dead, she sat quietly for a moment

There was a moment's silence

What was that look in his eyes? A challenge or just a question? Whichever it was, Sala knew the moment had come.

She closed her eyes, and let herself enjoy it, just for this moment

It might be the last real moment with him she'd have.

In a moment, de Winter was sitting on a small chair and I was next to Mrs Van Hopper on the long seat.

After his moment of rudeness, de Winter listened to her politely

In a moment, de Winter was standing by my chair.

I thought for a moment that he was going to tell me about Manderley

'And then we could open the bottle when we wanted to remember the moment again.'

'And what moment would you like to keep?' de Winter said with a smile.

Then I said quickly, 'I'd like to keep this moment and never forget it.'

And for a moment I saw a look of hatred in her eyes.

At that moment, Frith came into the room.

I felt that Rebecca would come back into the room at any moment

We stared at one another for a moment without speaking.

I stood for a moment and then walked in.

At that moment, the men came out of the house

This moment was safe

At this moment I was not afraid.

The moment passed

'Just a moment,' I said

It was a happy moment.

At that moment, Mrs Danvers came back

I waited a moment and then went downstairs and into the library

As you stood on the stairs, I thought for one terrible moment...'

For a moment, I thought that it was Maxim

At that moment, the telephone in the next room began to ring.

We all stood on the terrace for a moment and then Colonel Julyan looked at his watch.

He was back again in a moment.

'Mrs de Winter was careless for a moment and she died.'

For a moment, the Coroner was too surprised to speak

Tomorrow will be a long day.' He held my hand for a moment, but he did not look into my eyes

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

For a moment Tina racked her mind, searching for someone to blame, and then a name occurred to her

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

But the moment that she wanted to be something more than a trophy wife, he rebelled.

She thought of the man in her nightmare, the man in black whose face had been lumpy with maggots, and the shadows in the corner of her office seemed darker and deeper than they had been a moment ago.

After a moment's hesitation the computer asked for her name; she entered that, and the computer matched her number and name

She started around Angela's desk, wanting nothing more at the moment than to get off her rubbery legs and onto a chair - and suddenly the door to the hall opened, and she cried out in alarm.

For a moment, they sat in silence, sipping cognac.

She leaned forward, put her brandy snifter on the table, and for a moment sat with her face in her hands.

Nothing had ever felt better to her than he felt at that moment.

He struggled with it for a moment, and then he realized that it was equipped with an automatic system.

She stayed a moment longer, staring back into the gloom, where the purple mercury-vapor light did not reach.

She felt as if a vast unbridgeable gap separated her from people like these, and she wondered if she ever again would be as relaxed and free from care as these diners were at this moment.

Only a moment ago, she had envied these people for the very ordinariness of their lives

When he smiled, his mouth turned up slightly at the left corner, giving him a vaguely haughty expression, although at the moment he wasn't smiling.

Elliot almost turned in at the entrance, but at the last moment, he decided to drive by the place.

Although he spent more than half his time working in his Las Vegas office, he often had reason to fly to far points at the spur of the moment: Reno, Elko, even out of the state to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah

The moment that the news media became aware of the Network's existence, all was lost.

For a moment, Tina considered the problem

For a moment Tina couldn't move, afraid to see what they had done to Danny

He has been very infectious, off and on, but not at the moment

He wasn't scheduled for R and R, and on the spur of the moment he couldn't think of an excuse to sign out one of the Range Rovers, so he tried to escape on foot

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

A moment later he pushed a note under the door

Alter a moment of hesitation, he knocked once on his desk.

The night watchman must have heard the hammer and would be round at any moment

At that moment, Griselda and Dennis came in and said I must not stop Lawrence from enjoying himself.

At this moment, Inspector Slack arrived

But at that moment a message came that Mrs Protheroe would see us.

I thought for a moment

For a moment no one spoke

A moment later, the doctor entered the room

I really think that for a moment we thought she had gone mad

He stood undecided for a moment, then climbed out of the pit and started to run into Woking.

I think they understood that nothing could be done for the moment, and had gone away to have breakfast at Henderson's house

I had the sunset in my eyes and for a moment the round hole seemed black.

For a moment I wanted to go back and help him, but I was too afraid.

For a moment, perhaps, I could not clearly understand how I came there

'We can't stay here,' I said, and as I spoke the firing started again for a moment on the common.

In another moment we were clear of the smoke and the noise, and moving quickly down the opposite side of Maybury Hill.

At that moment a bright green light lit up the road around me and showed the distant woods to the north

He stopped for a moment, then walked across to the house.

At the sight of these strange, quick and terrible creatures, the crowd near the water's edge seemed for a moment to be totally shocked

In another moment a great wave of very hot water came sweeping round the bend

At that moment I got under the water and, holding my breath until movement was painful, swam under the surface for as long as I could

When for a moment I raised my head to breathe and throw the hair and water out of my eyes, the steam was rising in a white fog that hid the Martians completely

In another moment a large wave of almost boiling water rushed towards me

For a moment we were silent, staring at each other

For a moment he lay in surprise

Every moment brought more and more fast-moving people in vehicles.

Every moment I expected a hidden gun to fire at it, but the evening calm was unbroken

In another moment they were caught and swept forwards with the stream of vehicles

Some water came over the side of the steamboat and blinded my brother for a moment

In another moment it had hit the sea, and a great amount of water and steam flew high in the air

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

We stood for a moment in terror, then ran through a gate behind us into a garden and hid in a corner until the stars were out.

He made a sudden movement backwards and for a moment I shared his panic

He disappeared behind the pile of earth and for a moment there was silence

I had been asleep but in a moment I was awake

It moved the handle up and down for a moment, and then the door opened.

At that moment, I felt the beginning of something that soon grew quite clear in my mind, that worried me for many days

I recognized him at the same moment.

'It seems to me that at the moment they catch us when they want food

In another moment I had climbed a pile of earth and stood on its top, and the pit was below me

A moment later the mystery was explained

I cut myself off from my race to marry him, but I never regretted it for a moment

At that moment, Mrs Poppets, the housekeeper, I served our dinner

After a moment, he said, 'It's better if I stay here and prepare tea

What a great moment in English history! I imagined the scene!

At that moment, we all wanted mustard more than anything in the world.

James heard the baby's loud cries the moment he opened the front gate

I was surprised to see you - the road was empty just a moment ago.'

'One moment!' said the Count.

I realised that she was listening at the door a moment ago.

I cannot describe my feelings of shock and joy at that moment

He never for a moment doubted that she was Anne Catherick

"This is a very important moment

At that moment a man enters the tavern

At that moment Zorro pulls out a pistol

At that moment Zorro appears in the library and says, "Captain Ramon, you are a villain

At that moment the Captain pulls out his sword.