How to use "moments" in a sentence


A few moments later he noticed something on the pavement in front of Brown's stableyard, and crossed the road

Schwartz thought the man was following him, but a few moments later when he looked back, there was nobody behind him.

Mr Morris, the night watchman in the warehouse, went to the door and looked into the square 'two moments before Constable Watkins called him

Finally, there was the sound of horses in the street outside and, moments later, the door to the room was thrown open.

Thenardier sat on the corner of the table in silence for some moments, swinging his leg and gazing with a fierce satisfaction at the fire

She stared at Marius with a look of pleasure on her pale face, and for some moments seemed unable to speak.

Marius still said nothing, and after a moments pause she said, 'You don't seem very glad to see me, but I could make you look happy if I wanted to!'

She sat on the bench where she had found the notebook and, moments later, had the strange feeling that she was being watched

They talked all evening about their dreams, their mistakes, their moments of happiness, their moments of despair

'There are moments when I think this is a dream

There are other moments when I think I'm a little mad

'They've taken me prisoner,' he thought, moments before losing consciousness

Javert was silent for some moments, his chin sunk in the collar of his overcoat

For a few moments he sinks slowly into the great loch, but then, somehow, miraculously, he kicks again, and he comes to the surface once more

And for a few moments you are so afraid that you cannot think

After a few more moments, you begin to feel a little more relaxed

It was a few moments before Sala spoke

For a few moments there was silence

But still there are moments when..."

Even after all this time, when she thought about Danny's last moments on earth - the terror he must have known, the excruciating pain he must have endured, even if it was of brief duration - she began to choke with sorrow and pity

We were enjoying the first moments of our holiday.