How to use "movement" in a sentence


The movement is so easy I don't think about it

The movement stops almost immediately

Then, with a sudden movement, he bent down and picked it up

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

Some movement

There! A sound! Not a dream, but movement in the spare room, where you keep the computer!

Now you can hear the movement more easily

"Father?" he says, but there is no reply, and he can see no movement behind the grille that separates his small space from the other.

"Shhh!" In one quick, smooth movement, the woman pushed the note between Sala's fingers, nodded at her, and then set off rapidly toward the walkway

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

After so much talk about death, she needed a glimpse of movement, action, life; and although the Strip sometimes was grubby in the flat glare of the desert sun, the boulevard was always, day or night, bustling and filled with life.

He had just opened a bottle of balsamic vinegar and poured four ounces into a measuring cup when he heard movement behind him.

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

They continued to squint at the inky blackness, searching for movement.

Elliot strained his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of movement beyond the rectangles of glass, but he saw nothing suspicious.

As Elliot was opening the driver's door, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and he looked up, already sure of what he would see

After half a minute, all of the unnatural movement stopped, and the room rapidly grew warm again.

His forehead was furrowed, as if he were concentrating, but that was the only indication that he had anything to do with the elevator's movement.

He could hear movement from inside but thought this was due to it cooling down

I climbed into the pit and thought I heard a faint movement under my feet

I saw shock changing to horror on the faces of the people around me, and there was a general movement backwards

This gave people confidence and as darkness fell, a slow, uncertain movement on the common began

Then came some quiet talk and the beginning of movement

At that moment I got under the water and, holding my breath until movement was painful, swam under the surface for as long as I could

I sat up, and at the sound of my movement he looked at me.

Even the afternoon papers had nothing to tell apart from the movement of soldiers around the common, and the burning of the woods between Woking and Weybridge

People in West Surrey are very worried and defenses have been built to slow the Martians' movement towards London.

There had never been such a large or fast movement of war equipment in England before.

Sunday night was the end of organized opposition to their movement.

And then a quick movement of the steamboat (which had turned to avoid being hit) threw him off the seat on which he had been standing

a movement of feet and a cheer that seemed to be answered.

He made a sudden movement backwards and for a moment I shared his panic

It was a sad movement between two notes, 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' continuing without stopping

It uses a lot of social media - like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter - and has been led by the MeToo movement.

She was the leader of the Arab women's rights movement.

Examples of fourth-wave feminism are: the 2017 Women's March; the 2018 Women's March; and the MeToo movement

The MeToo movement talks about famous men who have hurt or harassed women

One of the biggest stories of women's empowerment has come with the MeToo movement, which started in 2017

MeToo is a movement against sexual harassment and assault.

Many women became brave because they saw other brave women in the MeToo movement

In Japan, for example, the MeToo movement started small, but it is getting bigger

Buzzfeed Japan, which is a news website, has started a MeToo page with stories about the movement in Japan

Today, the MeToo movement is very big everywhere