How to use "museum" in a sentence


Captain Nemo took me down to the bottom of the Nautilus, where there was a room like a large museum

I found Captain Nemo in a small room next to the museum

One day Conseil, Ned Land, and I were in the museum room

For many hours, I stood in front of the window in the museum.

Captain Nemo came into the museum as I studied the ocean floor.

Conseil, Ned and I were in the museum, looking out at old stone walls, 5,000 feet under the sea.

Captain Nemo came into the museum.

We all went down, inside the ship, I watched the fight from the glass window in the museum

As I walked through the museum to the stairs, I heard music coming from Captain Nemo's library

Gazing at the dead boy's toys and pathetic treasures, Tina realized, not for the first time, that it wasn't healthy for her to maintain this place as if it were a museum