How to use "nearby" in a sentence


Suddenly, a large shark swam nearby

He ran to a warehouse nearby and called out for the night watchman, a man named Morris

He ran to a nearby streetlight and pulled some wire from a metal box at its base

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

They were so close to the pod center that she was worried there might be government agents nearby

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

Instead, she imagined them standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by greenery, with wild roses nodding gently nearby

I wanted to draw some of the old houses in a nearby town

The nearby windows and the thick glass top of the coffee table were vibrating

Then she realized that, if he really was nearby, he already knew she was in her office, alone

Tina watched, stunned, as flames leaped from a window of the house and ignited dry palm fronds on a nearby tree.

It hissed through the branches of a nearby date palm.

Crouching beside one of those bushes, huddling in the shadows just beyond the circle of frosty light from a nearby street lamp, he pulled the pistol out of his coat pocket while Tina drove away.

Laughter pealed from the nearby room again, and Elliot said softly, "Where now?"

After a few days in prison, Helene had been moved to a nearby asylum for the criminally insane

There were no trees nearby

She indicated a tree nearby

Then she said, 'Someone is nearby

I spent my days drawing and selling my work at nearby shops