How to use "continue" in a sentence


We shake hands and continue along the trail

We will say goodbye there and I'll continue on alone to the Big Drop Rappel.

I continue walking towards the Big Drop Rappel

I continue with a message to my sister, Sonja

It was too late to continue searching that night

Then, shaking hard, I continue chipping at the boulder

I continue, but soon have to stop because of the pain in my left hand

And even with the sock there is too much pain in my left hand to continue.

I continue, trying to forget the pain in my left hand

For almost one hour the pain, screams, and cutting continue.

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.

After about ten minutes, Eric helps me up and we continue walking slowly.

I continue talking to Steve as the needle goes into my arm.

I would still say goodbye to Megan and Kristi and continue alone

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

The mails, unless repelled, will continue to be furnished in all parts of the Union

They cannot but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

They decided to continue on their way to work and tell the first policeman they met.

I want you to continue your excellent work as inspector of police.'

Madeleine - as we shall continue to call him for this part of the story - knew that he could not let Champmathieu go to prison for crimes he had not committed

There was no reason, he thought, why they should not continue to live happily together in England

If he kept the letter in his pocket, Cosette would never know what had happened to the other man, and life with her would continue the same as before

"See, Edward, we can continue to argue!" Michael jokes

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

As long as she left his things undisturbed, she could continue to entertain the hope that Danny was not dead, that he was just away somewhere for a while, and that he would shortly pick up his life where he had left off

She prayed that she would remain healthy enough to continue working and living on her own until, at last, her time came and all the little windows on the machine of life produced lemons.

"Michael, I intend to continue working as a producer

If they were killed, the truth would die with them, and the cover-up would continue

How long could Danny continue to pave the way? The boy appeared to have some incredible powers, but he wasn't God

All I could do was hope that those defences would continue to break down.

It seems to me almost unbelievably wonderful that, with that danger threatening us, people could continue their ordinary business as they did

But men like me are going to go on living - so human beings can continue

I wanted to continue, but a thought came to me.

Even if that is true, for many years we will continue to watch Mars carefully, and all falling stars will make us afraid.

So when the slow cooling of the sun means that we cannot continue to live on Earth, it may be that life which began here can reach out and continue there.

George said, 'Let's continue with breakfast

'Let's continue,' said George

We refused to continue.

We agreed to continue our trip, even if it killed us.

When Malala got better, she decided to continue her fight for girls' education.