How to use "need" in a sentence


It's only about three metres, so I won't need any equipment

I have all the equipment I need in my backpack

You need to be sensible.

The first thing I need is a drink

I will need to hit it hard

I'm a little warmer but I need something soft to put my legs on

I soon need to move again

But I need to do something

What will I need for the job? The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood

I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

I need to be brave and try again.

For the first time in two days, I need to urinate

It's strange but I feel the need to urinate again

What I need most of all is water

There might be some at the Big Drop Rappel, but first I need to get there.

I need a doctor

We may need it later."

But I didn't need to stop him

The men and I need to know what you plan to do with us."

'You're just what I need for a film that I'm making

That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pretext to do it, I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them

Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today

But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for un delayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.

In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

All I need is a quiet corner somewhere

I'll give you all the money you need

'How much do you need?' the old man asked, taking an old leather wallet from the pocket of his coat.

I need you urgently.

'Are you crazy? You need money to go to England, and I haven't got any

'That's where we need to take him.'

'You don't need a father any more

'But I need to eat, Monsieur!' the visitor said, losing confidence

'You have no need to say all this,' Valjean murmured.

I feel that I need to run, that there is somewhere I must be, somewhere I must remember.

But before I move, I need to know something

"So we need you to enter your details and then transfer two hundred and forty thousand pounds to this account

I just need to wait for her like a good husband, he thinks.

"Right," he says, and tries to smile to relax her, "what's all this about, then? The officer at the front desk says you need to speak to someone."

But to do that we need evidence

"We need a better description, you see

I need to ask you..."

"Well, nice to meet you both, but I need to get up to the farm before dark."

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

"Please wait: I need to explain."

You know you should call the police, but you need to do something more, something quick.

And then you know that yes, you can do it if you need to

"First Father, I need to know something

I need to know that anything I say here is not to be repeated

"Father, I need to ask for something from you

I need to ask for sanctuary."

"Yes, Father, I need somewhere to hide for a few days, a week maybe

there's something I need to get before I can go

I need to wait for a few days until they think I'm miles from the city

What is this thing you need?" Barry hesitates

A bank, Father, and they have insurance and all that, so they don't need it

"Why? Because I need to know that you aren't going to hurt anyone to get it," the voice says seriously.

"I need to ask you to get out of the car."

"I need to see in the trunk of the car, sir."

"Brandon," his brother said, "I know you need the money

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

"Well, we might need to talk to you again at another time," Smith says and turns to go back to the courtyard

"Wait a minute, Son, you don't need that today."

No, you don't need that today," he repeats, and he takes the mp3 player from the boy's hands, and he tries to avoid the angry look in the boy's dark eyes.

"Of course lad, but I need to show you how first."

"Ha, well, I need to show you how to do it safely, so we need to go up to the old Abertreweren forest."

Yeah, you need to remember that the truth is important to me

You need to stop reading this rubbish: you are losing your mind, she tells herself.

You just need to get home, she tells herself, and she feels the train slow down, and she knows she must get up.

So you don't need to move

It costs a lot to live in an earth apartment - you need constant lighting and heating

I need to say sorry

No need to worry

But we have all the technicians we need

"What else do we need?" Sala smiled

They'll never need him again."

"We need to think about this." Mom pointed to the letter

"I think we need to be cautious," said Gran

"Because your son is still seventeen, we need your official agreement, please."

I need you to come out."

You'll need a nurse to look after you

I have to, I need the money

There was no need for you to go after Jasper.'

'We may not need it,' said Colonel Julyan

There was no need for Maxim to look so white and troubled.

'I need to get to that window,' he thinks.

'Nathan is very good, but I don't need a stand-in.'

'I don't always need a stand-in.'

'Because I need the money,' Nathan tells her.

'I need to get out of this car.'

'OK, but we need a new stand-in for Natalie

'Natalie doesn't need a stand-in!' says Nathan, laughing

She would need to be fresh and alert in the morning.

If she was ever to stop dreaming about the boy, if she were to get control of her grief, she must begin her recovery here, in this room, by conquering her irrational need to preserve his possessions in situ.

She didn't need that much time to shower, apply her makeup, and dress, so she decided to pack some of Danny's belongings

"Tina, if you need an attorney, this is the best in Las Vegas."

To Tina, Stryker said, "But if it's flattery you need - and I'm sure you already get a lot of it, lovely as you are - no one in Vegas can flatter with more charm and style than Helen."

Responding to the unspoken need in Elliot's eyes with a need of her own, she was suddenly warm.

There's really no need for me to be."

"In the middle of dinner, I might be seized by a desperate need to dash over here and act like a producer."

If he became verbally violent and abusive, if he were irrational, she would need to have a clear head to deal with him

"You don't need an excuse to ask me what you've come here to ask

Honey, you don't need a story about someone breaking into the house

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

We'll wait until it's running smoothly, until it doesn't need much of your time

I don't want to be a producer merely because I need a sideline to dabble in

"Is there anything more you need before I leave?"

"So is there anything more you need?"

She'd need two hours to get ready for her date with Elliot Stryker.

This was the first time she'd ever had the need to tap those stores for herself.

"You'll probably need professional help to catch him in one of his tricks."

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

"I'll need an attorney to handle this, won't I?"

You need to spend time with the deceased, enough to accept that the body is never going to be animated again."

"How long will you need?" she asked.

He'd only need a few minutes

"I don't need much time to plan a meal

They both realized that they were in need of each other, physically and mentally and emotionally, and that whatever happened between them would be good.

She saw a longing and a need in his dark eyes, a powerful wanting that was only partly sex, and she knew the same need to be loved and valued must be in her eyes for him to see.

He spent an hour and a half in his library, paging through legal casebooks, boning up on precedents for the exhumation of a body that, as the court had put it, "was to be disinterred in the absence of a pressing legal need, solely for humane reasons, in consideration of certain survivors of the deceased." Elliot didn't think Harold Kennebeck would give him any trouble, and he didn't expect the judge to request a list of precedents for something as relatively simple and harmless as reopening Danny's grave, but he intended to be well prepared

They only tell us as much as we need to know

We need to check our lines where they come into your house."

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

"What did this workman need to see you for?"

"We just need time to think about it, time to work out a plan

"I need a change of clothes, at least a toothbrush and a few other things

"We'll buy whatever we need before we leave."

We'll be able to find coats and whatever else we need, and we'll find it all in a hurry." He left a generous tip for the waitress and got to his feet

The risks would have been acceptable, however, and there wouldn't have been any need to kill anyone.

When he gets there, he'll need a car

"No need to call

"Then you might need my help," she said

He didn't lock the doors, because it was possible that he and Tina would need to get into the car in a hurry when they returned.

He wondered if he'd be able to handle the weapon properly if the need arose.

"Bellicosti was supposed to give us the information we need to interest a topnotch reporter in the case."

Theirs was an animal need for affection and companionship, a reaction to the death and destruction that had filled the day

"I don't think you do need or want them," Tina said

"Don't they publish terrain maps of the wilderness areas? Backpackers and other nature lovers would need them

Except, I don't need a ghost to guide my hand

We'll need good, insulated outdoor clothes

To Tina, Elliot said, "What else will we need besides thermal clothing, boots, and snowshoes?"

A Jeep is all we need."

If the rescue attempt went smoothly, as Tina's dream seemed to predict, they wouldn't have any need for much of what they bought

When he discovered the nature of the maps, when he realized that one of them was missing, and when he discovered that the missing map was the one Stryker would need in order to find the Project Pandora labs, Alexander felt his face flush with anger and chagrin

"He'll need half an hour anyway," Hensen said.

"Well," Tina said, unsuccessfully trying to conceal her own anxiety, "we didn't need the snowshoes after all."

But Tina and Elliot didn't need the computer's authorization to use the elevator; not with Danny on their side

Danny didn't need to see her cry

"If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn't be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory."

We don't need him for anything

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

'Do you need a doctor, Andre?' I asked.

I need you fresh and strong tomorrow, my poor love.

'Nonsense! What we need is strong Christianity

But murder! For murder - one would need a very strong reason.'

And they don't need to come through the village

I need to get rich quickly

'You see, because I live alone, I need a hobby

But we need the proof!'

'I don't need to,' said Griselda

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

That night, as we hid in the hall, I felt a great need to do something but could think of no plan of escape

All that time I felt a growing need to look again at whatever remained of the little life that had seemed so happy and bright in my past

'I beg your pardon,' said the man, 'I should have knocked, but I am very upset, and I need help.'

'"If we need any help, we'll call you," she said and shut the door in my face.

'We need a rest,' said Harris.

I need two people to hold the chair

'In order to travel to the north part of the River Thames, we need a small boat,' George said

For breakfast we'll need a frying pan.'

'We'll need tea, sugar, eggs, bacon, bread, butter and jam

George continued, 'We'll also need a teapot, a pan and a camping stove

You always need three girls

'I need another type of pan and another stove.'

'I need a spoon,' said Harris.

'Why do you need your trousers? It's the middle of the night!' George said.

'Old J thinks he's a passenger and doesn't need to work,' Harris said.

'I need to go to London

Today, in many countries, women need to go out to work to help their families

They still need to make progress