How to use "needed" in a sentence


The Captain had everything he needed lo protect himself and his men

He also had everything he needed to keep us prisoners.

When they caught me, it needed eight of them to pull me down! Coach Fellers was really happy! He started jumping up and down and laughing

And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance

It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing great - greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our great natural resources.

She needed the money to pay for a bed in the 'White House', her lodging house in Flower and Dean Street

But Mary Ann needed alcohol too, and she was drinking too much

Why had the Ripper burnt them? When Abbeline discovered only one small piece of candle in the room, he thought that the killer had made a fire with the clothes because he needed more light to do his terrible work.

His doors were never locked, so that anybody who needed his help could find him easily.

The Thenardiers wrote her a frightening letter in which they told her that Cosette had no clothes, and that they needed ten francs immediately to buy her a new dress

This time they wanted forty francs because Cosette was very ill and urgently needed medicine

'Now we must discuss what else is needed.'

At last, exhausted, he stopped beneath a large grille that brought him much-needed light and fresh air

Unfortunately, it was a long journey, and he needed money.

Marius and Cosette both did their best to raise Valjean's spirits, to show him how much they loved and needed him, to fill him with the strength and the desire to live again

She decided that they needed to talk about something different, because she'd come here to make things better, not worse.

Sala needed to consider this, at least.

all to avoid the one big thing they needed to discuss.

She wished she could be with Cham, but his family was in crisis; they all needed him more than she did right now

We needed to hear what she said

We needed to be sure that you would be on our side

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

I really miss you, though." Sala wanted to tell him about seeing Wena, but she knew that she needed to be careful over the ultranet

Now that she was here, how was she going to say what she needed to?

She needed to see the real Cham, not his avatar

So the real Cham was still there, underneath! Maybe he'd just needed a little time to get used to them all again...

It was not the sort of love he needed

'Oh God, I never needed to be reminded.

She wanted to cry, needed to cry, but she didn't.

And he needed her.

She needed only to ride out the next few days, and in the relative calm that would follow, she might be able to get on with healing herself.

Now she desperately needed it.

Now that you've proved whatever you needed to prove, you can relax."

If she needed to know how much money each of these people earned in a year, the computer could tell her

Tina paged through the book until she found the code that she needed to call up the list of the hotel's best customers

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

And if he were lying, he wouldn't have told her the story about Charlie and coffee, for that could be substantiated or disproved with only a minimum of effort; he would have come up with a better alibi if he really needed one

Tina kept a well-stocked bar in one corner of her office for those infrequent occasions when a business associate needed a drink after a long work session

After so much talk about death, she needed a glimpse of movement, action, life; and although the Strip sometimes was grubby in the flat glare of the desert sun, the boulevard was always, day or night, bustling and filled with life.

After he retired about ten years ago, he was still a young man, fifty-three, and he needed something else to occupy his time

Zachariah would report their conversation in detail, and Dombey needed to assume a more balanced position for the record

After encountering so many people with so little respect for human life, they needed to convince themselves that they really were more than dust in the wind.

I was convinced I no longer needed or wanted the kind of thrills that I thrived on when I was younger."

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

Elliot and Tina found what they needed in one of the gun shops: a set of twelve wilderness maps of the Sierras, designed with backpackers and hunters in mind

He needed love and attention and protection

She struggled to contain her tears, but she needed all her willpower to keep her eyes dry.

Over the howling of the wind, another sound arose, and Tina needed a few seconds to identify it.

What else could it do but go to others it loves, to Henri, to you - you who might know and understand what needed to be done!'

I said goodbye to Anne, but there was one more thing I needed to do

He wouldn't have needed to tell you that he couldn't wait any longer until after half-past six

'I did not think it was right to speak until now, because I still needed one more fact in order to explain what had happened

I needed to tell her how badly the anonymous letter had upset me

Some did, but they needed time to realize what all the reports in the Sunday papers actually meant

That day the refugees began to realize how much they needed food

That's why men like you are needed

'You see,' Holmes said to me, 'I needed a case, and now I have lost this one because we went for a walk in the park.'

I told her that I was her neighbour, and asked her if she needed any help.

'"Oh, Jack!" she said, "I came here to see if our new neighbours needed anything

We made a list of all the clothes we needed

The next day we bought everything we needed

We needed that supper

They needed someone to draw the plants and animals they found there

You heard the doctor say that she needed fresh air

This was the proof I needed! The death certificate said that Lady Glyde had died on 25 July, and here was a letter from Sir Percival proving that she was still alive on 26 July!

My story begins with this simple fact: Percival and I needed money

They learned things they needed for family life, like how to cook.

In World War One (1914-1918), men left home to fight, and women were needed to work both in the army and in their home country.

This meant that women had to go out to work because they needed to feed their children.

During World War One, Marie helped to put X-ray machines in ambulances, which Marie herself drove to the places where they were needed