How to use "night" in a sentence


Leona, one of the people I live and work with, is having a goodbye party on Monday night

Until Monday night, maybe? Tuesday morning at the latest.

By the time they reached Goblin Valley, the car park was full and there was nowhere to stay for the night.

Kristi agreed and they parked by the side of the road for the night.

Perhaps I can remove this large piece before I stop for the night

It's a clear night and it's very cold.

This first night was not as bad as I thought

6.00 pm My second night in the canyon is moving closer

It seems colder than the night before

The long, boring hours of the night pass slowly by

Clouds at night are good because they trap the day's heat in the canyon, but clouds during the day are bad because the sun doesn't warm the air

'He didn't come to the party last night,' Leona told him

12.00 am It's my third night here and I've decided to take my first sip of urine

I've changed my drinking routine because the night is colder

At least I've survived another night

I guess everyone missed me when I didn't arrive for Leona's party last night

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.

The urine tastes better at night because it's colder, but it's still going to be a long, hard night

They returned as night fell

It was too late to continue searching that night

During the second half of the night, I have visions of myself as a child

When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly

It also means that tonight will be the coldest night

I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon

Another night of the sitting - standing routine will kill me

Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night

It was night-time and we were 200 miles on the coast of Japan when suddenly Ned Land, the harpooner, cried out.

It was dark and we knew that we had to stay in the water for the night

Ned Land came into my room one night and woke me up

It gets so cold at night!'

That night, everybody went to parties, but nobody asked me to go

We're playing at the Students' Centre tomorrow night

On Friday night, I went to the Students' Centre

But it wasn't Friday night, and Jenny's band wasn't playing

It was almost night before we found our other soldiers in the jungle.

We found a place to put the gun and stayed there all night

The rest of the night was terrible

The worst night that I've ever known

Her hair was all the way down her back, and she was wearing sun-glasses - at night! She was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with lots of colours on it

'They threw me out after they found a boy in my room one night

That afternoon, Jenny took me to meet the other people in the group, and that night I began playing my harmonica with them at the Hodaddy Club

It went well, and I played with them every night after that.

But one night I was sitting outside the Hodaddy Club, smoking a cigarette, when a girl smiled and came up to me

She didn't speak to me again that night

'She was there all night before we could get her out.'

And by that night we had hundreds and hundreds of shrimps in our nets!

I cried that night, but it didn't help.

That night I sat up thinking

It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

You never knew that I came into your room at night when you were asleep

At 9 o'clock on that Thursday night a great fire in London Docks changed the colour of the sky in the East End of London to a deep red

Later that night she tried to get a bed at Cooley's lodging house in Thrawl Street, but she had to leave because she had no money

Mrs Purkiss was awake most of the night, and Mr Purkiss slept badly and was awake between one and two o'clock, but they heard nothing

Let us follow Annie's movements before the night of her murder

She lived in a lodging house and paid eight pennies a night

Although the weather was wet and breezy, it was a mild night.

Although we do not know what time the killer arrived there, we know what his victim did and can follow her movements on the night of September 29-30th.

At 8.30 on Saturday night Constable Robinson found a woman lying on the pavement in Aldgate High Street

Catherine said, 'Good night.' And she went to meet her fate at the hands of Jack the Ripper.

He ran to a warehouse nearby and called out for the night watchman, a man named Morris

There were also three plain-clothes detectives on the streets that night

Mr Morris, the night watchman in the warehouse, went to the door and looked into the square 'two moments before Constable Watkins called him

That night it rained hard and Mrs Cox could not sleep well

As he went out late at night he probably was not married

At night, anger changed to terror

The man looked around, desperate for somewhere to spend the night

I've been walking all day, and nobody in this town will give me food or a bed for the night

The night was not very dark; there was a full moon, hidden from time to time by large clouds moving quickly across the sky

'The man who came last night! He's run off with our silver!'

Fantine could not sleep that night

He stayed awake all night, thinking of Javert's story about Champmathieu

The bars of his window had been broken during the night

'This gentleman wants a room for the night,' Cosette said, trembling with fear, expecting to be beaten.

The Thenardiers gave the old man their best room for the night

The next morning they gave him the bill, charging him three times the usual price for a meal and a bed for the night

Valjean quietly lay down on the mattress on his floor, but he could not close his eyes all night

It was too dangerous for him and Cosette to stay there another night

On the night after the Battle of Waterloo, in June 1815, a robber moved quietly around the battlefield, stealing money and jewellery from the bodies of dead soldiers

Without another word, the robber took the wounded man's watch and purse, and disappeared into the night.

His desire for the girl was growing daily, and he dreamt of her every night

He kissed the handkerchief, breathed in its perfume, wore it next to his heart by day and kept it under his pillow at night.

Every night he stood outside their house and gazed up at their lighted windows

On the eighth night there was no light in the windows

The next day they did not go to the Gardens, so again Marius went to the house as night was falling

That night at home, Marius opened the package and found that it contained four letters, all addressed to different people, and smelling strongly of cheap tobacco

You were the man we ran into last night.'

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

He stared at the blotter, coldness in his eyes, the darkness of the deepest night in his heart

He went out into the night and sat on the doorstep, his heart filled with a terrible hatred for the man who was trying to steal Cosette from him

During the night, the thirty-seven remaining rebels strengthened the main barricade and made more bullets

The old man walked to the window and, while he complained to the night about the pain and grief his grandson had caused him, the doctor arrived

It was the happiest night of Cosette's life, spoilt only by one thing: the fact that her guardian - whom she still thought of as her father - went home before the feast had started, saying that he felt ill

That night, however, he was unable to sleep

That night he went home in despair, and the next evening he did not come at all.

It hurts to touch, and I shout in the fog, the sound lost in the dark of the night

The attendant is about to finish for the night.

And they watch me every day, and I think that they watch me at night too."

"You think that this man enters your premises? That he enters your cottage during the night?"

well, why don't we come at night? Isn't it better at night, Nick?"

"At night they worry

At night everyone worries in New York

"Every night, Peter

"Oh, but can I trust you three to look after Eleanor? This is her first night, and her first cruise

Tonight is a good night to go out for a few drinks, he thinks, and he is deciding whom to call, when he hears a female voice.

You try to see the clock in the dark, but it is impossible, and you think that it must be somewhere between four and six o'clock: the darkest hours of the night when even the lively and vibrant city of Manchester sleeps.

You know that Sophie is sleeping in her usual position at the top of the stairs and that she never makes a noise in the night, and you wish, for the first time, that you also had a dog

Someone who thinks they can enter your house in the middle of the night!

I can go at night, dig up the concrete and get it, no problem."

He is tired, very tired, and he still feels sick from the beer and whiskey of last night.

So instead he just wants to get as far from the town called Needles as he can before the night comes.

The skin is raw, and he tries to remember exactly what happened last night, but he cannot

A horrible reminder of last night, of the girl and of the hotel room

He can forget about last night, about the girl

What did he do last night? He tries to remember, he tries to remember exactly what happened

God, he wishes he could remember last night: not just the girl's expression when he hit her, but everything.

Now everything from last night is coming back to him

"And did he leave the school last night?"

But last night he didn't call for anything."

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

It is night time, and around the roof of the thirty-floor casino and hotel, the city of Las Vegas is alive with colour

At night, little lamps shone, and mirrors reflected their light.

I mentioned it to Mom last night and..

"Last night, you said it was just to get the second pod experience!"

That night, and the following day, went very slowly

The night sky appeared behind him, then the flames at the edge of a star

We want to have them beside our beds, so we can think of you every night." Cham looked over at Sala apologetically

Once Apat was in bed, Gran, Mom, and Sala talked long into the night, discussing Cham's threat.

"Gran," she said, "you remember what you said last night, about the Oil Wars? You said..

"I had a long discussion with Mom and Gran last night." She paused

That night I cried

I've been crying all night

Maxim had not shown it to me the night before.

'I remember her on the night of the Ball

I had been thinking about that terrible night for so long.

She came here at night

She was wearing it the night before she died

All through that long night, Maxim never looked at me.

The night passed, hour after hour

I had to explain about last night.

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

I've got to explain about last night

'How dare you speak to me like that? How dare you? You made me wear that dress last night

My lady comes at night and watches him.

Someone had been in the boat with Rebecca that night.

'I was angry with you last night, wasn't I?' he said.

Something I've dreamt about, night after night

I carried her body to the cabin, took the boat out that night and sank it

This is what I had wanted him to say, every day and every night

'Then, one night, I could stand our life here no longer

Nobody saw you that night

We are the only two people who know what happened that night, Maxim.'

Rain fell in the night

I can't understand why it sank that night.'

'Then whoever took the boat out that night also made those holes and opened the sea-cocks.'

'Good night,' he said

He steals at night.

That night, Natalie Nevons arrives at Zak Wakeman's house in the Hollywood Hills.

The night was pleasantly cool and desert-dry

That night Tina dreamed that Danny was alive again

Danny's cries and her response became increasingly shrill and desperate, for they knew that they must reach each other before nightfall or be lost forever; in the oncoming night, something waited for Danny, something fearsome that would seize him if he was alone after dark

Suddenly the sky was shattered by lightning, then by a hard clap of thunder, and the night imploded into a deeper darkness, into infinite and perfect blackness.

This wasn't the first night she'd been wrongly convinced that an intruder was prowling the house

She remained on guard for a few minutes, but the night was so peaceful that at last she had to admit she was alone

After all, as fantastic as it was, the show was only a come-on, a draw, with the sole purpose of putting a few thousand people into the hotel every night

In less than seventeen hours - at 8:00 P.M., December 30 - the Golden Pyramid Hotel would present a special, invitational, VIP premiere of Magyck! , and the following night, New Year's Eve, the show would open to the general public

She tried to relax by closing her eyes and envisioning a gentle night tide lapping at a silvery beach.

In the brittle silence of the desert night, she imagined that she could sense an intruder listening too, listening for her.

Both the VIP premiere and the opening night of Magyck! Would be behind her by then

Joel Bandiri, Tina's co-producer, had watched the show from a booth in the first tier, the VIP row, where high rollers and other friends of the hotel would be seated every night of the run

Last night, after drinking the bourbon, had she come back here in some kind of fugue and...?

Bourbon last night

She usually worked during the day, not at night

But how was that possible? How in the name of God could there be ice here, in a well-heated house and on a night when the outside temperature was at least twenty degrees above the freezing point?

Neither window was open, and even if one had been raised, the night wasn't frigid enough to account for the chill.

Outside, the night was cool but not wintry

Although no second show was scheduled this evening, as would be the case every night henceforth, busboys and waitresses were busily clearing tables, resetting them with fresh linen and silverware for the following night's eight o'clock performance.

By the time they got backstage, the opening-night party was in full swing

In fact, Joel says it isn't healthy for a producer to be backstage every night..

"Still, I guess you'll be here every night for the first week or so."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?"

The skirts of the night were gathered around the Evans house, rustling in a dry desert wind.

Tina didn't get home from the opening-night party until shortly before two o'clock Wednesday morning

She didn't dream anymore, and when she woke at ten o'clock, she was refreshed and newly excited by the previous night's success.

"Vandals were in my house last night," Tina said.

It was you who didn't come home at night

At night, the fabled Strip was a dazzling sight, a surging river of light: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, turquoise - every color within the visual spectrum of the human eye; incandescent and neon, fiber optics and lasers, flashing and rippling

Because she was seldom in her office at night, the drapes were rarely open

We'll sell it this way: 'Spend the magic night of your anniversary in the magic world of Magyck!' Something like that

And the past two weeks, I've dreamed about him every night without fail

Besides, if it was you who wrote on the chalkboard and smashed things in the boy's room, then it was also you who came in here during the night and programmed the hotel computer to spew out that stuff about Danny

After so much talk about death, she needed a glimpse of movement, action, life; and although the Strip sometimes was grubby in the flat glare of the desert sun, the boulevard was always, day or night, bustling and filled with life.

With a chilly night wind moaning at the windows and howling incessantly under the eaves, the blazing fire was welcome.

Tina stayed the night with Elliot, and he realized that he had forgotten how pleasant it could be to share his bed with someone for whom he truly cared

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

At night, the view of Las Vegas from the mountainside was undeniably spectacular, but Elliot couldn't understand what other reasons anyone could possibly have for choosing to live here rather than in the city's older, greener neighborhoods

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

If this was what Danny had read before going to bed at night, how had he been able to sleep so well? He'd always been a deep, unmoving sleeper, never troubled by bad dreams.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

In half the countries in the world, there were secret police, modern gestapos, and citizens lived in fear of a late-night knock on the door

But the first night in the country, the mother received a vision in which Kevin was buried alive and calling for her

The vision was so vivid, so disturbing, that she and her husband raced back to the city that very night to have the grave reopened at dawn

Most of the story dealt with Death's attempts to stop the mother and father on their desperate night journey; they were assaulted by every form of the walking dead, every manner of living corpse and vampire and ghoul and zombie and ghost, but they triumphed

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

Dusk was sliding into night

the night itself is watching us..

the night, the shadows, the eyes of darkness."

The rising night wind thrummed against the large pane of glass beside their booth

"We can't sneak into the graveyard in the middle of the night, move a ton of earth with shovels

Sheets, puffs, and spinning funnels of vaguely phosphorescent dust moved like specters through the night.

She was in great distress, and she suffered from horrible dreams that plagued her every night

They would have opened the grave secretly, at night, when the cemetery was closed, switching the remains of the fake Danny for the rocks that were currently in the casket

I'll call the night manager at the airport down there, pretend to be FBI, see what he can tell me."

While he waited for Alexander to finish with the night manager at the Flagstaff airport, Kennebeck moved from one model ship to another

Elliot Stryker had a rental car reserved for late-night pickup at the Reno airport

Then as he had signed for the rental car and picked up the keys from the night clerk, he had kept one hand in a pocket of his coat, gripping the handgun he'd taken off Vince in Las Vegas - but there was no trouble.

The night clerk at the rental agency, from whom they had signed out the car, had known exactly where Bellicosti's place was, and he had marked the shortest route on the free city map provided with the Chevy.

Once a night

That's why we're stuck with night-shift, baby-sitting duty like this."

In any case, he couldn't stand here all night brooding about it.

Elliot scanned the night, his heart clutching up

His pounding footsteps were as thunderous as drumbeats in the quiet night air

It's been a hard day's night."

Although Reno didn't jump all night with quite the same energy as Las Vegas, and although many tourists had gone to bed, the casino at Harrah's was still relatively busy

"About what you said last night, in Vegas."

Perhaps the lateness of the hour and the fading light would work against them, but approaching in the night might actually be to their advantage

It was little more than one lane wide, and the trees formed a tunnel around it, so that after fifty or sixty feet, it disappeared into premature night

Twilight was gone; night was in command.

From elsewhere in the night, Danny opened the gate.

As they ascended into the night, snow began to fall hard and fast in sheets of fine, dry flakes.

"But trying to take the chopper in there at night..

Jack Morgan, the pilot, glanced at George Alexander and said, "This will be hairy." He was wearing night-vision goggles, and his eyes were invisible.

Morgan had removed his night-vision goggles.

They were just about to move off the road, into the trees, so they would be away from any sign of civilization when they set up camp for their first night in the wilderness

Tina, Elliot, and Danny went through the vestibule and stepped into the cold night

She squinted up into the snow-shipped night and saw the chopper coming over the rise at the west end of the plateau

Eighty, ninety, a hundred feet they soared, soared straight up into the night.

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting

I simply said, "Well, a red-hot glowing road is a great visual." In fact, it would be such a fantastic visual that it would be visible at night from orbiting satellites, like a neon arrow pointing toward the secret installation that it served.

Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly out of the house, and in the morning we found him dead in a river

'I'll do everything you say.' He went out into the dark night, the wind and the rain.

I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, weren't on the ship last night, so I'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw

The worst thing is when the telephone rings in the dead of night

'I assume you have a night watchman at your factory, Monsieur Delambre

He often works there late at night..

all night, sometimes.'

'Perhaps it was set that way last night when work stopped.'

The great mystery was why my brother had so helpfully put his head under the hammer - the only possible explanation for his part in that night's events.

The night watchman had heard the hammer twice

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

I only saw him the next morning, tired after a whole night's work.

I 'transmitted' myself successfully the night before last

That night, as I began to take Andre's dinner down to him, I stopped by the telephone

I hope there is no life after death because, if there is, I shall never forget the horror! Day and night, awake or asleep, I see it, and I know that I will see it forever.

The night watchman must have heard the hammer and would be round at any moment

That night, a man comes to the beach

Later that night, Rod goes into town.

I had completely forgotten that we had asked Lawrence Redding to dinner that night

I suddenly remembered the conversation last night, and Lawrence Redding telling us he had a Mauser.

Last night

'If you had seen his face last night...' I began.

About ten o'clock last night, Redding comes in, throws down a pistol, and says to the police, "Here I am

'Why didn't you tell Slack this last night?'

Why did she go to see Protheroe the night before he was killed?'

'I understand that you visited Colonel Protheroe the night before his death.'

'Can you think why Mrs Lestrange visited Protheroe after dinner on Wednesday night?'

'Well, what about the lady who called on Colonel Protheroe the night before the murder?'

It was about a strange thing that happened last night

Why would she take a suitcase into the woods at twelve o'clock at night? I don't expect it has anything to do with the murder

But let me tell you about last night.'

'So can you tell me anything about the lady who called to see Colonel Protheroe the night before he died.'

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

'Then the very night she arrives, that picture is cut,' I said.

Then, when it was safe, he planned to return and collect it one night

Finally, he said, 'Mr Redding came to see me last night

It was eleven o'clock at night, but when I saw a light in a certain upstairs window, I stopped and rang the doorbell

So he came back here with Mr Hawes last night and, I think, managed to put some much stronger pills in Mr Hawes' box

So he went up to Old Hall that night - and two of Colonel Melchett's policemen followed him

He was very excited at the news and invited me to spend the night with him, watching the red planet.

Despite everything that has happened since, I still remember that night very clearly

That night, too, there was another sudden cloud of gas from the distant planet as a second missile started on its way to Earth from Mars, just under twenty-four hours after the first one

Hundreds of observers saw the flame that night and the following night, at about midnight, and again the night after that

For ten nights they saw a flame each night

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

The night was warm

Nobody went to look for the fallen star that night.

'Henderson,' he called, 'you saw that meteorite last night?'

But it passed and let me live, and left the night around me suddenly dark and unfamiliar

A few minutes earlier there had only been three things in my mind: the great size of the night and space and nature, my own weakness and unhappiness, and the near approach of death

Beside him ran a little boy He passed me, wishing me good-night

If, on that Friday night, you had drawn a circle at a distance of five kilometres from Horsell Common, I doubt if there would have been one human being outside it, unless it was a relation of Stent, whose emotions or habits were affected by the new arrivals

And all night the sound of hammering could be heard as the Martians worked on the machines they were making ready.

He told me that during the night the Martians had been surrounded by soldiers and that field-guns were expected.

If I had not made a promise to the pub owner, she would, I think, have asked me to stay in Leatherhead that night

The night was unexpectedly dark, and it was as hot and airless as the day

But that night it was all very strange and I was physically exhausted, wet to the skin, deafened and blinded by the storm

The view reminded me, more than anything else, of factories at night.

In one night the valley had become a place of death

'My gun was destroyed last night, sir

Nothing more of the fighting was known that night, the night of my drive to Leatherhead and back.

That night he made up his mind to visit me, in order to see the Things before they were killed

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

My brother spoke to several of the refugees but none could give him any news of Woking, except one man who said that it had been totally destroyed the previous night.

There were one or two carts with refugees going along Oxford Street, but the news was spreading so slowly that Regent Street and Portland Place were full of people taking their usual Sunday night walk

The night was warm and still

London, which had gone to bed on Sunday night not knowing much and caring even less, was woken in the early hours of Monday morning to a real sense of danger.

As it was reported later, most of them remained busy with preparations in the pit on Horsell Common until nine that night, doing something that produced a great amount of Black Smoke.

The figure of the Martian grew smaller as it moved away, and soon it was hidden by the mist and the coming night

All through the night their tubes moved forwards

They only used the Heat-Ray from time to time that night, either because they had a limited supply of material for its production or because they did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people

Sunday night was the end of organized opposition to their movement.

They were beginning to feel very hungry and the night was cold

That night the seventh cylinder fell in London, on Primrose Hill.

It grew smaller, sank slowly and disappeared again into the night

We stayed there all Sunday night and all the next day - the day of the panic - in a little island of daylight, cut off by the Black Smoke from the rest of the world

Through this I was able to see into what had been, only the previous night, a quiet road

The night was coming but the Martians had lights on their machines

That night, as we hid in the hall, I felt a great need to do something but could think of no plan of escape

But on the fourth or fifth night I heard a sound like heavy guns.

All day and all night we sat face to face

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

I had no regrets about this, but in the stillness of the night, with a sense that God was near, I thought again of every part of our conversation from the time we had first met

In the road that runs from the top of Putney Hill to Wimbledon many things had been left behind by the crowds that ran towards London on the Sunday night after the fighting began

The night before last I saw some lights up in the air

These green stars - I've seen none for five or six days, but I've no doubt they're falling somewhere every night

Suddenly, I remembered the night I had watched through the telescope.

'It's safer by night.'

And now night, the mother of fear and mystery, was coming.

I hid from the night and the silence until long after midnight, in a garden hut in Harrow Road

I turned and looked down the slope of the hill at those two other Martians that I had seen the previous night

I have learned since then that I was not the first discoverer of the Martian defeat -several wanderers like me had already known about it on the previous night

The stair carpet was discolored where I had sat, wet to the skin from the thunderstorm on that first terrible night

At night I see the black powder-darkening the silent streets, and the twisted bodies covered by it

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

'"So," I said, "this is where you went during the night?"

In the middle of the night, while her husband is sleeping, she decides to go to the cottage

That night she is not able to convince her blackmailers to leave her alone, so she returns ihe next day

That night Holmes and I took a train to Norbury

'You told me about her arrival in the cottage, and that night I had to see her, and that was the beginning of my troubles

We did not say another word about the case until late that night at Holmes' house in Baker Street, just before Holmes went to bed.

Go to bed no later than II o'clock each night and don't read books about things you don't understand.

Then George stood up, and told us how he felt at night.

The next problem was where to sleep at night

We can put a canvas cover I over the boat at night

We stopped there and decided to spend the night on the boat

We spent the night at the Crown Hotel

We decided to return to one of the Shiplake islands to spend the night.

That night Harris had trouble sleeping

He woke me up about twelve times during the night

'Why do you need your trousers? It's the middle of the night!' George said.

We spent the night at Clifton Hampdon, which is a pretty village.

We stopped for the night at Day's Lock.

He looked at the wet night and gave a short bark of agreement.

Good night!'

That night Sir Percival left Blackwater Park

I was still thinking about what Pesca had told me when I walked back from his apartment that night

That night, social media became very busy, as MeToo started everywhere in the world.

"What a horrible night! It always rains in February

Where is Zorro on this stormy night?" asks one soldier.

Why are you out on this rainy night?"

Good night everyone." He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain.

The night is dark

Good night everyone!"

The soldiers follow Zorro all night

The next night Zorro silently enters the Governor's home