How to use "game" in a sentence


We had our first game, and I was frightened

The first football game was on Saturday

'I heard the game on the radio!' she said

He broke his foot in football practice and couldn't play in the game

It was an important game which Coach Bryant wanted us to win.

The game started, and the ball came to me

Weasel made a bad mistake - and then the game finished, and we were the losers.

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

It took me an hour to win that chess game.

'Just who are you?' he said after the game.

It took me about seven minutes to win the first game, and half an hour to win the next

It was a long game

A short time later, the girls grew bored with their game

Or maybe play a computer game or watch television.

Poker, blackjack, rummy: you name the game and Jimmy could play it, though he especially liked poker

You can either play the game right: you play it straight

Do you know what I mean when I say cheat? I mean you use the little tricks, the fast fingers and the good memory, but you use it to break the rules of the game.

Play the game, get the money and run before anyone knew he was there.

But he entered my competition, and he used his tricks and his fast fingers, and he won every game until it came to the final."

"Idiot! I always take the aces out of the pack and make sure that I get the kings," he says, and he goes back into his casino to play another game

I changed the pack of cards before the last game

What was going on? Was it some kind of game? Sala wondered whether to tell Gran, but there was nothing new to say

When we had finished our game, Mrs Van Hopper said, 'Tell me, is Max de Winter still in the hotel?'

It was like a game to her.'

But now it lay at an angle, the base against the wall, the easel itself slanted, chalkboard-down, across a game table

An Electronic Battleship game had stood on that table, as Danny had left it, ready for play, but the easel had toppled into it and knocked it to the floor.

She stooped, retrieved the pieces of the Electronic Battleship game, and returned them to the table.

Shortly before noon, two high rollers from Dallas sat down at a blackjack table and, in three hours, lost a quarter of a million bucks; they were laughing and joking when they left the table to try another game

Their gaming philosophy was simple: It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you stay in the game

The game table had been overturned

The game minimum was a five-dollar bet, and all seven seats were taken

"Sometimes a player gets so interested in the game that he's virtually hypnotized by it

"For years people go home from Vegas and tell all their friends that they came out ahead of the game

"I've played your game

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

He had never expected to play that game again

"The game must have been rigged," Elliot said

He tried to appear intently interested in the outcome of this game, but in fact, he didn't care

Furthermore, keno was a game that didn't have any appeal for either smart gamblers or cheaters, the two types of customers who most interested the security men

Willis Bruckster stared at them, then crumpled his game card with obvious disappointment and disgust, as if he had lost a few hard-earned dollars.

That was something one tended to forget when he spent his life in the intelligence game

He knows how the game is played

The women's game was much worse than the men's game, he said