How to use "noisy" in a sentence


As always, the pubs were crowded and noisy

She was pleasant when sober but she could be noisy and very quarrelsome when drunk

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

'And London was very hot and noisy

Thus far, the thirtieth of December had been a busy, noisy, exciting day at the Pyramid

Twenty-five minutes before showtime Tina left the stage and went into the noisy showroom

The huge room was so noisy that the blend of sounds seemed to coalesce into a visible substance - like a humid yellow haze in the air

She walked back through the shopping arcade, rode the escalator up to the casino, and made her way through the noisy crowd to the front doors

On the twelfth day my thirst was so bad that I went into the kitchen and used the noisy rainwater pump that stood by the sink