How to use "pity" in a sentence


'Monsieur, I ask you to have pity on me

Self-pity rose like a wave inside her.

It's a pity."

It's a pity you have to grow up,' he said.

Even after all this time, when she thought about Danny's last moments on earth - the terror he must have known, the excruciating pain he must have endured, even if it was of brief duration - she began to choke with sorrow and pity

Elliot stared at her with consternation and with pity, his dark eyes reflecting a distant light

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.

But what a pity that you are married already