How to use "place" in a sentence


'The most beautiful place on Earth'

Edward Abbey, one of my favourite writers, described it as 'the most beautiful place on Earth'

It's a popular place for skiing

After Kristi and Megan left Aron, they got lost in the west canyon and arrived late at the meeting place

It takes twenty-five throws before it lands in the right place

I place my camcorder on the boulder, turn it on and start speaking.

I follow and find myself in some place I know from the past

We filmed the place where the accident happened

They gave us wonderful sea food and we were free to visit any place we liked on the ship.

'This is a very strange place - so perhaps I can.'

Perhaps somebody will write a book about this place - and about me! Perhaps I will, when I'm bigger.' Then she remembered

They all get angry in this place,' thought Alice

When they saw Alice, they cried, 'No, no, you can't sit here! There isn't a place for you!'

'We move from place to place,' said the Mad Hatter.

Alice found a place and sat down

He got up and sat in a different place.

But when I did this, people looked at me, and Jenny got down lower and lower in her place

It was good news: if I played in their football team, there was a place for me in school there.

I didn't like that place.

The place where I had to live was just a bit better than the rooms at the university, but the food was not

'Nothing does in this place!' he said

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

We found a place to put the gun and stayed there all night

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

She was now playing in a group called The Broken Eggs, and they played two nights each week at a place called the Hodaddy Club near Harvard University

There were a lot of people waiting to go in, so I went round to the back of the place and sat on the ground

And the next morning she told me to find another place to live.

'Why don't you wait for me in that bar across the street? Then I'll take you to my place.'

We walked into the town and finally found a place to sleep in an empty building.

And the next day he took Sue and me out in his little boat, to look for a good place to start the shrimp business.

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds

While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war

Recognition of that falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

The world is a very sad place!' Now I thought I understood Mr Slinkton

'What a sad place the world is!' Mr Slinkton sighed quietly.

'I passed this place at 3.15,' Constable Neil said, 'but there was nothing here.'

A total of seventeen poor people lived in number 29, which was a crowded, busy place

The place was badly-lit, but one man, Joseph Lawende, gave a description of them

What is this place? Is it an inn? I've got money

'Mme Magloire,' said the bishop, 'will you please prepare another place at the table for this gentleman?'

While guests and visitors ate and drank noisily, Cosette - now eight years old - sat in her usual place under the kitchen table

He sat down and Cosette, after serving him some wine, returned to her place under the table

Cosette, who had returned to her place under the table, looked up from her knitting and watched them sadly

For almost a year, Marius saw the old man and the young girl daily in the same place at the same time

Towards the end of the second week, while Marius was sitting in his usual place, he looked up from his book

Sometimes he stood for half an hour in a place where her father could not see him, looking at her and enjoying the small, secret smiles she sent him.

There were only twenty-six men left, and the main attack on the barricade was going to take place very soon

'The last man to leave this place will blow your brains out.'

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

In its place there are a thousand adverts on a hundred television screens, a sea of lights that constantly move and change.

And all of this mixes with the sweat of the thousands of people in one place.

After we eat, you will think this place is the best in the world.

Then you see Sophie, in her normal place at the top of the stairs, and you see how near the burglar is

Good, Barry thinks: the place is practically empty.

Six hours to leave them the money in a safe place

"Look at this place," says Smith.

And they put him behind it, in a deep dark corner where no one could see him and the light disappeared as they put the last bricks in place

Can there be a finer place in Wales? I don't think so."

A place of calm and beauty and peace.

I'm connected to an ancient time and place, thought Sala

Then that picture slowly disappeared, and a man took the woman's place

But now it seemed an obvious place for the government to bug.

'Lay another place at my table,' de Winter said

We soon reached the place where I wanted to sketch

'Do you know this place?' I said

I don't belong to a place like Manderley.'

It was a place for rest, for reading and for quiet thinking.

I had never been in so beautiful a place

The place ought to be cleaned.'

I never go near the place or that damned cottage

Manderley had been made into a place of light and beauty, just for me.

Carefully, I put the wig in place

'You tried to take Mrs de Winter's place,' she said.

How do you think I've felt, watching you sit in her place, using the things she used? I hear the servants calling you Mrs de Winter

Why shouldn't I cry? What's it to do with you? You came here and thought you could take Mrs de Winter's place

Manderley was a place of safety and looked more beautiful than I had ever seen it

It was the same place I went to with you

But she made Manderley the place of beauty it is today

I had to get water from the sea to clean the place.

The place is Hollywood.

Seizing on this boy's resemblance to her Danny, she was too easily able to fantasize that there had been no loss in the first place.

On four or five occasions during the past two weeks, she had taken the pistol from the nightstand and searched the place, room by room, but she hadn't found anyone

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

The place was as spotless as ever.

Gazing at the dead boy's toys and pathetic treasures, Tina realized, not for the first time, that it wasn't healthy for her to maintain this place as if it were a museum

She resolved to clean this place out on Thursday, New Year's Day

Tina supposed that some people would say this hotel was gross, crass, tasteless, ugly - but she loved the place because it was here that she had been given her big chance.

The place was relatively quiet, except for the muffled oceanic roar of the VIP crowd that waited in the main showroom, beyond the velvet curtains.

The choice was filet mignon with Bernaise sauce or lobster in butter sauce, because Las Vegas was the one place in the United States where people at least temporarily set aside concerns about cholesterol

In a country that worshiped youth, most elderly Americans devoutly desired to discover a place where they belonged, but unlike the duchesses, many of them never found it.

She put them back where they belonged, then slid the sofa into place.

And maybe he was coming back, haunting the place.

The person who paid a fair price for something was likely to place far more value on it than the one who got the same item for nothing

"I still don't see any place where we can talk privately," Tina said.

All the talk about death and fear and madness and pain seemed to have taken place further back in the past than a mere few seconds ago

Follow me to my place."

I discovered I couldn't learn to cope with the loss if I stayed in a place that was so crowded with memories of her

We were in the right place at the right time

But Tina wanted to go back to her place and clean out Danny's room

"Nice place you've got here."

He could be at her place in five minutes.

At my place."

"I figure you've got the wrong place," Tom said, stepping out of the doorway, into the garage, reaching for the button that would raise the big door.

This is definitely the right place."

Sol said we were to pull in, out of the driveway, so that he'd have a place to put the boat when he got here with it."

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

She said, "Maybe we should go back to your place

He probably isn't at my place anymore

They'll be watching the place."

"If you want to launder dirty money, this is by far the easiest place to do it

"I brought it from my place," she said.

Lincoln, and the boys stumbled across a place like that in the Sierras?"

The boys couldn't have gotten very close to such a well-guarded place

"We'd be committing suicide if we went to Kennebeck's place," Elliot said

"And Kennebeck's cronies have almost certainly put a watch on the place

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

I don't think it's a good idea to hit Stryker and the woman in a public place like an airport."

The night clerk at the rental agency, from whom they had signed out the car, had known exactly where Bellicosti's place was, and he had marked the shortest route on the free city map provided with the Chevy.

They traveled an additional quarter of a mile before Luciano Bellicosti's home and place of business came into sight on the left, beyond a black-bordered sign that grandiosely stated the nature of the service that he provided: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND GRIEF COUNSELOR

Elliot almost turned in at the entrance, but at the last moment, he decided to drive by the place.

I'll go through the cemetery, circle around, and approach the place from the rear."

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

After the bellman left, Elliot engaged the deadbolt, hooked the security chain in place, and firmly wedged the heavy straight-backed desk chair under the knob.

But in this unknown organization, in this secret and incomparably cozy place, he thrived.

He wants us just to walk into the place where they're keeping him and take him out."

Because of the foul-up at the Bellicosti place, George Alexander didn't get to bed until five-thirty Friday morning

We might get to this place and find we can't slip around its defenses."

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

There must be some sort of road into the place, even if it's well concealed

"He's never seen us or the Explorer, and this isn't the sort of place where there's a lot of new or unexpected traffic."

The place is built into the next step of the mountain

Beside the monitor was a lighted glass plate against which the visitor was supposed to place his right hand, palm-down, within the existing outline of a hand

Let's find Danny and get him out of this place."

"What goes on in this place? Military research?"

"Right now I just want to know how the hell Danny wound up in this place."

Now she looked up from the task of bundling the child, and she said to Dombey, "But why was he infected in the first place?"

Could this spot on Danny's brain have anything to do with the boy's psychic power? Were his latent psychic abilities brought to the surface as a direct result of the man-made virus with which he had been repeatedly infected? Crazy - but it didn't seem any more unlikely than that he had fallen victim to Project Pandora in the first place

"But after everything you said to Zachariah about this place being run by megalomaniacs, and after you've made it so clear you don't agree with everything that goes on here, why do you want to stay?"

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

If they all left, they'd just be turning the place over to men like Tamaguchi and Zachariah, and there wouldn't be anyone around to balance things

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

They don't want us to get you out of this place."

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

"It's a good place for hats!" she says.

'Dennis said he was going to play tennis at your place

I said the things to her that it was my duty to say, remembering all the time how that morning I had said that a world without Colonel Protheroe would be a better place.

When I found a place where the plants beside the path looked as though someone had walked on them, I left the path and forced my way through

We went up the path until we came to a new place where it looked as though someone had left the path on the right-hand side

Again, we came to a place where the bushes looked broken

The place is empty but a window was open

'But this is the only place where Miss Cram could have hidden it

I had just reached the place so, once again, I pushed my way through the bushes

I soon came to the place where I had met Lawrence and continued on further

And remember, Vicar that you met Mr Redding carrying a large stone in that same place in the woods where you found the picric acid later.'

I told Ogilvy, and he took my place and watched the cloud of gas growing as it rose from the surface of the planet

In one night the valley had become a place of death

The soldier agreed with me that the house was not a good place to stay in

We remained there until midday, and at that time found ourselves at the place where the River Wey joins the River Thames

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

And where it met with water, or even mist or wet grass, a chemical action took place and it turned into a powder that sank slowly and made room for more.

In the evening many people came hurrying along the road near their stopping-place, escaping from unknown dangers and going in the direction from which my brother had come.

We were very different people with different habits of thought and action, and those differences increased because we were living together in this dangerous place

This place will be destroyed because of the bad things we have done!'

The place had already been searched and emptied

After checking the sky for Martians, we hurried quickly to the house on Putney Hill where he had his hiding-place.

A jeweller's window had been broken open in one place, but the thief had clearly been chased away, because a number of gold chains and a watch were lying on the pavement

They gave me a place to stay and protected me from myself.

The line on the London side of Woking station was still being repaired, so I got off the train at Byfleet and took the road to Maybury, past the place where I had seen the Martian fighting- machine in the thunderstorm

My home was a lonely place

'We'll find a nice, quiet place, with no people.'

You can't even find a newspaper! If you want a rest and a change, then the best place is the sea.'

I know a place around the corner here, where you can get some good whisky

You find a place on the river bank

When we found the hammer, he lost the place on the wall to put the picture

So each one of us climbed up on the chair to look for the place

Each one thought it was a different place

Usually, the lock is a very busy place

We found a pretty place

As soon as the cover was in place, we started to prepare supper

The adult world can be a cruel place.

We left the lock-keeper's place and we found some water at another house.

Sadly, we looked at the place where Harris and the meat pie were sitting

It only says that the place is a good fishing area

'Oh, and let me know as soon as you want to leave your sister's place

Mercy left her new place before anybody could throw her out

She waited in the same place

When we speak of your husband's secret, we must be in a safe place, where no one can hear us.

They showed the home as a woman's place

"Come with me and we can fight together! We can make California a better place to live," says Zorro.