How to use "playing" in a sentence


Sometimes I'm playing cards with my grandfather

He was playing the piano.

I listened to him playing the piano, and I thought I heard him say.

It likes playing with children but it works too

'I see other people playing, but I don't play and they never ask me to play with them.'

I found a young man who was sitting in his room playing the harmonica.

We're playing at the Students' Centre tomorrow night

But suddenly I found that I was playing my harmonica with them!

Jenny stopped singing for a second or two, and the others in the group stopped playing

But it wasn't Friday night, and Jenny's band wasn't playing

She was now playing in a group called The Broken Eggs, and they played two nights each week at a place called the Hodaddy Club near Harvard University

The group started playing again and Jenny began to sing.

I could hear the music that was playing inside and, after a minute or two, I began playing with it

'Who is that playing the harmonica?' she said

That afternoon, Jenny took me to meet the other people in the group, and that night I began playing my harmonica with them at the Hodaddy Club

I was going past a hotel when I looked in the window and saw some people who were playing chess

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

So I walked back to the hotel, and there was the little old man, still playing against himself

And suddenly I was in the final, playing with a Russian, Honest Ivan, the best player in the world

Then, one afternoon when I was playing to some people in the park, I noticed that a little boy was watching me carefully

And when I finished playing, she held the little boy's hand and came across.

When I stopped playing, the rest of the people walked away

Jenny sat next to me while the little boy started playing with Sue.

'Why are you playing your harmonica in the park?' asked Jenny

I looked at the boy, who was still playing with Sue

Also, Druitt was playing cricket in Dorset on September 1st, the day Polly Nichols was murdered.

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

The two women watched the children playing together.

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

Valjean had gone away on business for a couple of days, and Cosette was in the downstairs sitting room, playing the piano.

The band in the corner is playing soft classical music.

Short and thin with a pale and unhealthy complexion from hours of playing his computer games and watching television.

I started playing when I was seven or eight, with friends at school, online, in local competitions

For the first thirty minutes, they chose the illusion of a big nightclub with a famous band playing

Back inside the apartment, Sala found her nine-year-old brother Apat playing games on the ultranet in his room.

When the dolphins started playing with us, it was out of this world."

With the story-stream still playing, her eyes slowly began to shut.

I still smile when I think of all the fun we had as children, playing on the beach and in the forest

Her guide was bending down, playing with her boot; and then she signaled with her fingers, inviting Sala on

The band was playing softly in the gallery.

Someone was playing a sick, nasty trick on her

This afternoon, however, she'd been playing a pair of lucky slot machines at the Mirage Hotel, and she hadn't wanted to walk away from them while they were paying off so generously

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

But once in a while, a guy really loses track, doesn't get up for hours and hours, just keeps on playing like a zombie

"Were you playing around with one of the other computers?"

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

On the jukebox, which stood to the left of the door, a currently popular country ballad was playing:

All we're doing is just playing catch-up

Like an old athlete back on the playing field after a long absence, testing his reflexes, taking pride in the fact that his old skills are still there."

'She was out playing tennis somewhere

Coming home, a group of party-goers from Chertsey passed us, singing and playing music

I heard the noise of playing children and remembered the deep silence of the dawn of that last great day...