How to use "dropped" in a sentence


Perhaps it was already there and the murderer dropped the apron near it by chance

Realizing that one of the girls must have dropped it, he picked it up and called after them, but it was too late

Sala's mouth dropped open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Cham's mouth dropped open

She'd bumped straight into the man, who'd dropped a bagful of dried food packets, spreading them everywhere.

Danger? Sala's mouth dropped open

"To protect us all." Sala's mouth dropped open

She dropped her voice

I dropped my gloves on the floor and Mrs Danvers picked them up with a twisted little smile on her lips

One dropped behind the sofa, and the other tumbled onto it.

She went to the sofa and picked up the photo that had dropped onto the cushions

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

How could the temperature have dropped so far in such a short time? She listened for the sound of the air conditioner, but the telltale whisper wasn't issuing from the wall vents

The vehicle skidded, then dropped a hundred feet straight onto rocks

He dropped spoons

Elliot dropped the measuring cup and seized the gun, but Vince reflexively squeezed off a shot that breezed past Elliot's face and smashed the window behind the sink

Vince dropped to his knees, then onto his face

Evans turned, and Bruckster said, "I think maybe you dropped this back there."

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

The Cessna hit an air pocket, dropped three hundred feet with a sickening lurch, and then soared to its correct altitude.

"The temperature's dropped thirty-five degrees in there during the past minute and a half," Zachariah said worriedly

One arm trailed out of the tub; and on the floor, as if it had dropped out of his fingers, was a razor blade.

The Explorer dropped back to a safer speed.

As he fell, the velvet cloth slowly dropped off his head and shoulders.

'I never dropped anything in your study,' she said

'So, she must have dropped it before

Then she dropped the pistol on the floor and walked down to the studio!'

But when she had found nothing, she had dropped Anne's earring by the desk.

When Ogilvy told him all he had seen, Henderson dropped his spade, put on his jacket and came out into the road

At the sound of birds overhead I looked up at the enormous fighting-machine that would never fight again, at the pieces of red flesh that dropped down onto the overturned seats on the top of Primrose Hill.

I laughed so much that I dropped the shirt into the river again.

Mercy dropped into the nearest chair

'You dropped this downstairs,' she said