How to use "politely" in a sentence


'Please, Sir-' she said very politely.

'What is a Dodo?' thought Alice, but she smiled politely

She took the box and smiled politely.

They all spoke politely to Alice and left the room.

So she spoke to it very politely

'Have some wine,' the Mad Hatter said politely.

'I don't really understand you,' she said politely

'I see,' said Alice and smiled politely

'Don't ask me! I don't know,' answered Alice, not very politely.

'Did you come to the office to take out an insurance policy?' I asked Mr Slinkton politely

He talked politely to everybody and everybody seemed to like him

He left the forms in my office, said goodbye politely and then left.

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

The conversation continued politely in this way for several minutes

The men stand and nod politely, and Carolina is amused by the interested looks they give Eleanor Chance.

De Winter stood up politely as I gave Mrs Van Hopper her letter.

After his moment of rudeness, de Winter listened to her politely

'I'm sorry,' he said politely

'How do you do?' I said politely