How to use "prefer" in a sentence


"Well, I enjoy this room, but what I really prefer is looking out there."

well, I prefer fire."

Rhea says that it is just his age, and that all teenage boys prefer computer games and television to walks in the forest.

young people prefer to feel safe

Which do you prefer? You can take your choice.'

'I prefer to be comfortable.'

You prefer dressy or casual?"

"Going to war, you might prefer a tank."

'Protect my boy from what? Don't you understand? I'm here so that Henri won't be the son of a woman who went to the guillotine for having murdered his father! Don't you understand that I would much prefer the guillotine to the living death of this asylum?'

But I prefer not to, because I don't want to cause you pain, Miss Halcombe." As soon as he left, I decided to take this new house.'

I prefer to stay at home and rest."