How to use "probably" in a sentence


The answer is probably 'no'

What about other hikers? Will they find me by chance? Again, the answer is probably 'no'

He will probably call my family and they will tell the police that I am missing

'He's probably left already,' said Megan, 'but he can't be far away

'We'll probably find Aron there.'

'That's probably Aron's truck,' said Megan

Mosquitoes mean there must be water quite close - probably at the Big Drop Rappel.

'He's probably still on his trip.'

Most people will probably think I'm still travelling

He probably killed ten or fifteen enemy soldiers

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

He probably ran into Whitechapel Road through a narrow lane called Wood's Buildings.

She was probably an alcoholic

The man probably strangled Polly first, put her on the ground, and cut her throat

Today he is probably the most famous killer in the world, Jack the Ripper

We know that witnesses often make small errors in time, so the man Mrs Darrell saw was very probably the murderer, and he attacked Annie at approximately 5.30 a.m

She probably came to England for domestic work

very probably disturbed the killer, so he only had time to cut his victim's throat

The man called Jack the Ripper was never caught, and his name will probably never be known

The first witness was Elizabeth Darrell, who very probably saw the Ripper with Annie Chapman outside 29 Hanbury Street

He was probably stout and muscular.

As he went out late at night he probably was not married

The writer was probably talking about the injury to Annie's throat, but only the police, the doctors and the killer knew the details of Annie's murder

It was very probably from the murderer

The reader has probably already realized that M

She could tell from his clothes that he probably had no money.

He was feeling depressed, because he realized that he would probably never see his grandson again

You're probably in trouble with the police, or you're in debt, and you've run back to me for help

Then Valjean frowned and, after a quick calculation, decided that Marius was probably still alive

I knew you were angry with me, and I thought, "What can I do to make him love me?" Then I thought, "I can give him Cosette." I wanted to invite her to see you, but the doctor warned me that you would probably get too excited

'Shall I tell you the secret that you were planning to sell me? I, too, have sources of information, and probably know more about the subject than you do

What? Oh, who cares about her? She'll probably like prison, the crazy cow: more people for her to hurt

a man, probably alone, and thought to be extremely dangerous..

a man, probably alone, and thought to be extremely dangerous..

I think he probably cheated to get that too

He has a short beard and pale, unhealthy skin, and she thinks that his eyes are probably unkind.

The man in the corner is probably just a normal guy and not some horrible character from one of her thrillers.

Actually, Ding was probably right

So Cham probably needs to think about the future more carefully than you."

She was in the wrong, and now she'd probably ruined everything.

She and Michael hadn't yet begun to raise their voices to each other; their disagreements had been conducted in normal tones, sometimes even in whispers, yet Danny probably had heard enough to know they were having problems.

"Oh, I'll probably pop in and out a few times."

"The casino bosses will like it too, 'cause a lot of our high rollers will probably make an extra trip this year

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

"You'll probably never learn the answer

"You'll probably need professional help to catch him in one of his tricks."

They probably won't think it's serious enough to waste their time

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

He probably will."

"If the father has a chance to protest," Elliot said, "we'll probably get involved in a knock-down-drag-out legal battle

Yes, it's one you've never heard of and probably never will

"There probably isn't any danger

"You're probably right

The man in the kitchen was still unconscious and would probably remain that way for another ten or fifteen minutes

They probably intend to kill you too."

"There's probably more than one of them, and they'll be armed."

A man of his size probably wasn't frightened any more easily than Godzilla confronted by the pathetic bazooka-wielding soldiers surrounding doomed Tokyo.

He probably forgot to tell you about the boat."

He probably isn't at my place anymore

And even if he was deeper under than I thought, some of his people probably went in there and pulled him out while I was rushing off to you

"They probably couldn't provide enough protection to stop it."

"You're probably right

"Besides," Elliot said, "Kennebeck probably doesn't know the whole story

He's probably been told only what he needs to know."

Christina Evans probably hadn't entertained a single doubt about the official explanation of the Sierra accident; she probably hadn't known a damned thing about Pandora when she had requested an exhumation, but her timing couldn't have been worse.

"They probably didn't," Kennebeck said

The hacker geeks in computer operations can probably access all the rental agencies' data files long distance."

We'll probably never know

"That's probably more like it," he admitted.

That's probably true

"Hypnosis! Of course! That'll probably do the trick."

And it's probably not listed

You're probably wondering if I'm some sort of lunatic

"You're probably right," Elliot told Tina

If we're lucky, we'll have Danny when we come out, and he probably won't be in any condition to trek through the Sierras in the dead of winter."

"He's probably abandoned the damn thing."

"It's probably already snowing in the mountains

"You're probably right."

And it probably goes down several stories too."

Most of them probably live in the installation for weeks or months at a time

But if this is a military operation, then most of the staff is probably assigned here under the same conditions submariners have to live with

Bollinger was probably at the bottom gate two and a half hours after he walked out of the door here, three hours after he was infected

"They probably did look a little bit like spacemen in their decontamination suits

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

The producer, the studio, and the network never could agree on a title, and no one liked my idea - Kickass Koontz Cinema - and probably even realized I was not serious in proposing it.

The heating coils would probably have to maintain the road at about 38 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit to be sure that it remained free of snow and ice

The legendary producer who brought the project to the studio is dead, probably because he was a beloved friend of the bad-luck writing duo.

(probably Commissaire Charas)

They said so to the police later, and that hunt for a fly probably saved me from the guillotine.

After what seemed a very long wait, but was probably only a minute or two, I saw a bright light through my fingers.

'The old man would probably shoot you,' said Dennis.

But it was probably a small pistol - say a Mauser 25.'

'Because the potatoes are probably burning.'

'If a thing reminds you of something else - well, it's probably the same type of thing.'

There is Lettice Protheroe, I suppose, because she probably gets money after her father's death

He was probably very angry about being sent to prison but would feel differently when he came out.

'The whole village probably knows where you keep your socks,' Then suddenly I asked, 'Was the pistol loaded?'

'Only that it is probably a very ordinary murder, by an angry poacher most likely.'

'Colonel Protheroe probably kept them locked away somewhere.'

'But it's probably got nothing to do with the case,' I continued

'Mr Redding had probably used some rope to hang the stone above the picric acid

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

I do not remember the arrival of the curate, so probably I slept for some time

He would probably have stayed longer it the sound or guns had not begun at about that time in the south

'The Martians will probably make pets of some of them; train them to do tricks - who knows? And some, maybe, they will train to hunt us.'

look it has been mended twice with silver bands that probably cost more than the pipe itself

She decides to go again, and this time she brings a photograph, which they probably asked her for

When I'm asleep, you'll probably rock the boat, and I'll fall into the river

They had probably had a boat at the end of the rope when they started

Neither spoke, but the conversation was probably like this:

He probably thought he was in heaven.

Our clothes probably looked a bit old and strange.

This woman in white was probably a student there

'I'm afraid that when you so kindly brought my handkerchief to me you probably heard Laura say something very offensive

Miss Halcombe said, 'Walter, we must all go to London immediately! We're probably being followed!'

He probably still has the copies.'

He had probably taken a candle with him into the vestry, because by then it was dark

One thing is clear: he looked afraid when he saw me, so he has probably betrayed the Brotherhood; he probably thinks I'm following him so that I can kill him

'He'll probably leave England tonight