How to use "properly" in a sentence


It is a duty from which they may not shrink to decide cases properly brought before them, and it is no fault of theirs if others seek to turn their decisions to political purposes.

Mary was so drunk that she could not answer properly

Explain properly."

The bed was properly made, and several science-fiction-movie action figures were posed on the deep headboard

I can pour anything straight or over ice, but I can't even mix vodka and orange juice properly."

Besides, to properly watch your house..

He wondered if he'd be able to handle the weapon properly if the need arose.

"Just like the heating system in that isolation chamber is functioning properly," Zachariah said.

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

And Lettice told her that she didn't clean properly

She was not properly dressed and her husband followed her, shouting.

Now I was more used to them, and was in a good position with a lot of time to study them properly