How to use "protect" in a sentence


But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it? I do this and it works

The Captain had everything he needed lo protect himself and his men

MUST Congress protect slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say.

YOU have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to "preserve, protect, and defend it."

May He protect each and every one of us.

Madeleine's hand tightly and begged him to protect her.

Yes, a brave dog to protect you instead of just a lazy cat that lies in dangerous places.

And sometimes I have to do things to protect my business

"To protect us all." Sala's mouth dropped open

"I want to protect you."

they taught you how to protect your mind

She pulled her blouse out of her slacks and used the tail to protect her hand from the icy metal doorknob

The legs at the foot rose three or four inches before crashing back into the casters, that had been put under them to protect the carpet

"Nevertheless, I have a duty to protect everyone's interests in the matter."

"He should have built a double blind to protect himself."

If I can make them think that Zachariah was the one who spilled the secrets to you, if I can protect my position here, maybe I'll be promoted and have more influence." He smiled

She may be trying to protect him

'Then I can protect your boy.'

Perhaps he suspected her of the crime and was trying to protect her

I've been trying to protect Mrs Lestrange from anything that might upset her

The police who had been sent to direct the traffic, exhausted and angry, were fighting with the people they had been called out to protect.

I wanted to make the best marriage settlement I could in order to protect her interests, if Laura Fairlie dies, I wrote, 'the twenty thousand pounds will be left according to her will.' That evening, I sent the settlement to Sir Percival's lawyer.

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

Laura and I have no father or brother to protect us

Can't you see that Miss Halcombe has more intelligence than most men? She is a noble creature, full of strength and courage, and she'll use it all to protect that foolish little wife of yours

I want to protect her and fight for her interests with all my strength

I want to marry her so that I'll have the right to protect her

Don Carlos receives the letter and says, "What a generous invitation! Don Diego wants to protect Lolita

They help and protect him

"Yes, I can protect her," says Friar Felipe