How to use "pulls" in a sentence


He pulls at the things over my right arm and asks Steve what they are.

Bank manager receives two hundred and forty thousand pound salary despite bank failure." He stops and tries to turn to look at us, but Robin pulls the trigger back on the gun

He pulls his cigarette packet from his pocket and walks over

He looks at Oliver for a moment, nods, pulls his lighter from his pocket and offers it.

"About a crime." Branwell pulls his notepad from his pocket and places it in front of him on the table

But just to be safe he pulls his new gun from the bag and checks it

Then he pulls a box from the bag, opens it carefully, and looks at the diamonds.

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

He pulls the collar of his stolen coat up to cover his face, and he checks that no one can see the grey prison uniform that he is still wearing beneath it.

As he does not want them to see his face, he pulls open the left door to the box and enters.

He sees the cop car and runs to it and pulls open the door.

"Oh, that." And the boy pulls something out of his pocket, and Owen sees that it is his mp3 player.

You are an idiot, she tells herself and pulls a book out of her bag

She looks to see what the pain is and pulls her headphones from her ears.

He pulls out his sword and wants to fight.

At that moment Zorro pulls out a pistol

At that moment the Captain pulls out his sword.