How to use "puts" in a sentence


Little John puts a blindfold on the guard

"That's okay," Robin says, and he picks up one of the bags and puts it on the table, "we brought our own money: twenty thousand pounds in small notes

Robin takes the last blindfold from the bag and puts it over Hastings' eyes.

Robin then puts his mouth to Hastings' ear

Emily?" But there is no answer, and Oliver Stern puts his mobile back into his coat pocket and looks around.

She puts her hands on the table, and he sees that her red fingernails are chipped and bitten

I can get you a tea if you like," but she shakes her head and puts the bag at her feet

Branwell puts the notepad away

He picks the bag up and puts it on his shoulder.

She always goes for a run in the evening, but this time she waits until he falls asleep in a chair in the lounge, and she puts a candle to the curtains

But then the hot whiskey starts to fill him, and he smiles, puts his head back and laughs loudly into the desert.

He puts his foot on the accelerator, and the car starts to speed along the old road

"Politicians and doctors? They can't even dress themselves." And Smith puts the tie in his pocket.

He puts the guns next to a tree and takes them out of the bags carefully, and, yes, there is the interest in the boy's eyes.

Hank Wynn stops talking and puts his cigar back in his mouth

Wait one moment," Hank says, and he puts his hand on Jimmy's head, and Jimmy tries to move away

But she does not want to listen, and she takes her MP3 player from her bag and puts her headphones in.

Moving quickly, he puts them into his bag and leaves

"Well," Elliot said, "I happen to believe that individuals are more apt to act responsibly and morally than institutions ever do, which at least puts us on the side of justice

As Mercy puts the cover on her typewriter, the thought of the bus ride home goes through her like a pain

Connie breaks into fresh tears, and James puts his arm around her

Zorro puts his pistol to Captain Ramon's head and says, "Tell the Governor the truth or I shoot!"