How to use "quiet" in a sentence


It seems strangely quiet without Kristi and Megan

The ship was quiet.

The Nautilus was quiet again

After the terrible battle with the enemy ship, everything on the Nautilus was quiet

She's very quiet and good

Everything was quiet for a short time, then something hard hit her arm.

It was quiet for a time

The Caterpillar was quiet for some minutes

'You be quiet, it isn't your baby!' the Duchess shouted

'Oh, be quiet,' said Alice.

'Be quiet!' the Mad Hatter said very loudly, and the Mouse stopped singing.

'Oh, be quiet!' said Alice.

Then everything went quiet again, and after a minute or two the rest of us climbed up out of the hole.

The others went quiet and looked at me, then looked at Jenny.

Buck's Row was a quiet, narrow road with warehouses on one side and some small houses or cottages on the other

Her friend Ellen said she was a clean, quiet person

Berner Street, off Commercial Road, was quiet

Everything seemed quiet

Everything was quiet and deserted.

Returning at 3 o'clock, she saw no light in Mary's room, and all was quiet

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

All I need is a quiet corner somewhere

'Be quiet, you dirty prostitute,' Javert interrupted her angrily

Valjean signalled to Cosette to keep quiet

Marius paid little attention to his friend, and continued his quiet life of work, study and daily walks.

He found that she lived in a small house at the quiet end of the rue de l'Ouest

His shift finishes in five minutes, but there is no one around in Howarth's quiet police station, and so he leads the woman to the first interview room and tries to suppress the image of a pint of beer in the Black Bull pub.

Soon all is quiet again, apart from the sound of three large crocodiles slowly creeping back to the green water

She is a quiet young thing, and beautiful too, and Carolina likes to have beautiful things around her, so she is more than happy to talk for both of them.

For the summer perhaps." Then she is quiet, and the three men think how polite and gentle she seems

Keep quiet and you are going to be okay

You know you are still in your bed, still in your house, still in your quiet street in the north of Manchester

The backstreets of Dublin are quiet, and the sun is slowly setting on the old city

"Any man can listen," says the quiet voice.

I will lead a quiet and honest life." And Barry imagines the beaches of the Bahamas.

"Well..." says the quiet voice, "I understand, my son

Soon he can stop, find a quiet area off the road and push back the chair and sleep

"Dad?" Junior whispers, and he looks scared "what's that noise? Is it the police?" And Owen signals him to be quiet

For a moment she thinks about how quiet the platform is, and how normally she has to fight to get on the train in the evening.

She starts to feel better: more relaxed and less concerned about the reason why the tube is so quiet today.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

The platform at North Acton is quiet, but it always is at this time of the evening

He was quiet, just listening

She remembered how quiet he'd been with their friends

"Oh." So that's why he was quiet

It was so quiet and calm: a world the storm couldn't reach

"Stay quiet

But ask him to keep quiet about it."

Since receiving Great-Uncle Eston's letter, Gran had been very quiet

And apart from that, keep very, very quiet."

Keep very, very quiet, Wena had said

The whole family went to the pod center, with Cham's mom telling his sisters to be brave, and his dad pale and quiet

Everything was quiet

We'll have a quiet wedding

Everything was very quiet

There was a quiet peace in the room

It was a place for rest, for reading and for quiet thinking.

'There's something very quiet and peaceful about this room

All was quiet and dark

I loved the quiet beauty of the rose-garden

Everything was quiet and still

There was no sound except for the noise of a little stream and the quiet rain on the leaves

Jasper was quiet now and let me tie the string.

You knew I was dull and quiet

The house seemed very quiet as I began to walk up the stairs

Frank Crawley had come to lunch and the three of us were hoping to have a quiet afternoon

Everything was still and quiet

It was very quiet in the library

The library was very quiet

I must be calm and quiet

It was quiet in the library

'Be quiet, will you

He listens, but everything is quiet in the room

Hers was a modest ranch house in a quiet neighborhood

After the relative quiet of Christmas week, an uninterrupted stream of guests was pouring through the front doors

The place was relatively quiet, except for the muffled oceanic roar of the VIP crowd that waited in the main showroom, beyond the velvet curtains.

Tina felt as if they had talked without pause all evening, speaking with quiet urgency, as if each had a vast quantity of earthshakingly important information that he must pass on to the other before they parted

Tina got up from the bed, went to the window, and gazed at the quiet street, the palms, the olive trees.

With more than a million full-time residents, with more than twenty million tourists a year, and with a vast desert on which to sprawl, Vegas offered thousands of dark, quiet corners where two people on the run could safely stop to catch their breath and settle upon a course of action.

"And I sure wouldn't choose to have my nice, peaceful, quiet life turned upside down

They followed their own footprints out of the cemetery, to the quiet residential street where the rented Chevrolet was parked in the wan light of the street lamp.

His pounding footsteps were as thunderous as drumbeats in the quiet night air

But I'll be as quiet as a mouse and give it a chance."

All Sandstone did was move one hand slowly back and forth in front of Tina's face, simultaneously speaking to her in a quiet, rhythmic voice, frequently using her name.

Through sudden tears of pain, Elliot saw the young guard rushing him, and he squeezed off one whisper-quiet shot.

She had answered very few, always in a calm quiet voice

The quiet, controlled, woman had disappeared

'She was very quiet...'

But Anne was really very quiet - very strange.'

'Isn't the news awful? A murder! In this quiet village.'

'"Unless you keep quiet, it will be very bad for you." I replied, "Who are you?" and the voice answered, "The Avenger"

'So he likes the quiet type

Then came some quiet talk and the beginning of movement

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

Mrs Elphinstone - that was the name of the woman in white - refused to listen to his argument, and kept calling for 'George', but her sister-in-law was very quiet and sensible and agreed to my brother's suggestion

After trying and failing to keep him quiet, I kept away from him in other rooms in the house.

Everything was quiet through the afternoon and we started at about five o'clock along the blackened road to Sunbury.

Through this I was able to see into what had been, only the previous night, a quiet road

The streets were horribly quiet

Beyond Fulham the streets were quiet again

'We'll find a nice, quiet place, with no people.'

We'll have fresh air and quiet on the river

We row our boat into a quiet corner on the river

Montmorency doesn't like the quiet life

Your life here will be very quiet

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white