How to use "law" in a sentence


He and his men stole horses and hid from the law during the last years of the nineteenth century.

And, more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

"No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law

Now, if they would make the effort in good temper, could they not with nearly equal unanimity frame and pass a law by means of which to keep good that unanimous oath?

Again, in any law upon this subject, ought not all the safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane jurisprudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not, in any case, surrendered as a slave? And might it not be well at the same time to provide by law for the enforcement of that clause in the Constitution which guarantees that "the citizen of each State shall be entitled to all privileged and immunities of citizens in the several States?"

I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual

Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments

It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination

But no organic law can ever be framed with a provision specifically applicable to every question which may occur in practical administration

The fugitive-slave clause of the Constitution, and the law for the suppression of the foreign slave trade, are each as well enforced, perhaps, as any law can ever be in a community where the moral sense of the people imperfectly supports the law itself

To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

His father-in-law, M

Gillenormand and never saw his son or father-in-law again.

He gave up studying law and earned his living by working in a bookshop and helping to write dictionaries

Vivienne had a daughter, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren in Sacramento

Standing near the left proscenium pillar, out of the main flow of the party, they nibbled at pieces of cake, talking about Magyck! And then about the law, Charlie and Helen Mainway, Las Vegas real estate - and, by some circuitous route, superhero movies.

I guess your law practice isn't just another Vegas divorce mill."

We're one of the largest law firms in town

"You're so modest about having built a splendid law practice, yet you're an egomaniac when it comes to your cooking."

"As long as there aren't any religious objections, the law requires the permission of only one parent in a case like this," Elliot said.

The law allows it."

Elliot's mind raced through a list of cases that his law firm was currently handling, searching for some connection with these two intruders, but he couldn't think of one.

"That's not quite the way they explained the system in law school," Elliot said.

He's well versed in the law, and he's fair."

He had his law degree, but he didn't want the hassle of a day-to-day legal practice

"What kind of government agency would have the authority to circumvent the law like this? What kind of agency would be empowered to kill innocent civilians who got in its way?"

Meanwhile, we're checking out Stryker's associates in his law firm, his friends, the woman's friends, anyone with whom they might have taken refuge."

Right now, he longed for the rigidly structured routine of the law office, the neatly ordered paragraphs of legal casebooks, and the timeless rules of the courtroom.

Then I'll mail the tape to one of my law partners." He shrugged

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

Have you ever tried to explain to a sleepy police officer that your sister-in-law has just phoned to say she has killed your brother with a steam hammer?

But we were never able to obtain any information from my sister-in-law

'Isn't my poor sister-in-law's extreme interest in flies just one sign of her madness?'

And I'm very much afraid we shall never understand, unless perhaps your sister-in-law should..

'Just as you like,' said my sister-in-law

'You heard about my poor sister-in-law?' I said.

Mrs Elphinstone - that was the name of the woman in white - refused to listen to his argument, and kept calling for 'George', but her sister-in-law was very quiet and sensible and agreed to my brother's suggestion

Each narrator will describe what he saw with his own eyes, so that the narrative will be as truthful as possible, and the evidence will be presented as in a court of law.

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime

In 1969, she got a degree in law from the University of Tehran

She later got a PhD - a higher degree - in law, and she became Iran's first woman judge

For years, Shirin Ebadi fought to work in law

During this time, women fought for equality in the law and in society

For example, the Iranian Women's Movement wanted to achieve women's equality in education, marriage, careers and law

That law only changed in 1965.

The law was bad, they said - the lowest age for boys to marry was eighteen, but the lowest age for girls was sixteen.

On 20th January 2016, after many months of thinking and talking, the court changed the law