How to use "radio" in a sentence


'I'll radio one of my men and ask them to check.'

'I heard the game on the radio!' she said

"I do, my son: it's on every radio and every television

He hits the button for the radio, and an old song fills the silence of the desert

"Route Sixty-Six!" he shouts, and he turns the volume of the radio up

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

Jesus, is this it? Did he really do something to that girl? More than hit her once? Did he do what they said on the radio? Was she dead?

"Jesus!" he screams, and he remembers the news story on the radio.

The metal casing of the radio gleamed with a brittle crust of ice

The radio's digital display began to change, the orange numbers escalating across the frequency band, sweeping through one station after another

Trembling, Vivienne switched off the radio.

As soon as she took her finger off the push switch, the radio turned itself on again.

After a brief silence, the radio turned on spontaneously.

When she shut off the radio the third time, she kept her finger pressed against the ON-OFF bar

As the room grew warm again, the doorknobs and the radio casing and the other metal objects quickly shed their fragile skins of ice, leaving shallow puddles on furniture and damp spots in the carpet

On the doorknob, on the radio casing, and on other metal objects, moisture began to condense out of the air

The radio clicked on.

The radio ceased scanning, stopping on an open frequency that hissed and popped with distant static

The radio came on

The radio switched off, and so did the overhead light.

Malala used the name "Gul Makai" and began writing for the BBC (the United Kingdom's television and radio) about life with the Taliban

At 8:45 a.m., Amelia spoke on the radio for the last time