How to use "rags" in a sentence


'The man is in rags and has an evil look on his face

The couple dressed Cosette in rags and gave her very little food, which they made her eat from a wooden bowl under the table

Dressed in rags, she knitted woollen stockings for Eponine and Azelma.

And, because she was carrying an expensive doll and was no longer wearing rags, not many recognized Cosette.

One cold but sunny afternoon in February, Marius was walking along the street when two young girls dressed in rags ran into him

Still wearing the same rags, with the same bold look in her eyes and the same rough voice, she had somehow become more beautiful

Neither did he see, at the moment the soldier fired, a young boy dressed in rags jump in front of the gun and fall wounded as the bullet meant for Marius hit him in the hand.

Looking up, he saw a pale-faced boy, dressed in rags, studying the numbers of the houses in the street.