How to use "reading" in a sentence


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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

'Why is she reading a book without pictures or conversations?' she thought

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At last the army man finished reading, and then the President came up and gave me the medal

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

Valjean gave Cosette lessons in reading and writing, and spent hours watching her as she dressed and undressed her doll

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

You need to stop reading this rubbish: you are losing your mind, she tells herself.

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If you are reading it, be glad: it means there is hope

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He was always waiting in his car, reading the paper

He would be sitting in the restaurant, reading perhaps and not thinking of me

It was a place for rest, for reading and for quiet thinking.

Maxim sat in a chair by the fire reading the letters that had been waiting for him

He went on reading his paper

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

His praise was so effusive that, even reading it by herself, in her own kitchen, she was slightly embarrassed by the effusiveness of the praise.

She had paged through only two of the magazines Danny had bought, the first two, when she had been trying to make up her mind whether such unusual reading material could have any harmful effects on him

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she read the story again, hoping to see something important in it that she had overlooked in the first reading.

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

But there's something unusual about the EEG reading."

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

Later, when she was reading the amount collected on the church notice board, she saw that no pound note had been received

Intuition is like reading a word without having to spell it out

The third I could guess without reading it.

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All down Wellington Street people could be seen reading the paper

For some time I stood reading it

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

After some time, I began reading about another illness

I began reading the book from the letter 'a' to the letter 'z' I had the symptoms of all the diseases in the book, except for one!

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

'After the story you told me this morning, I've been reading my mother's old letters,' said Miss Halcombe

'I know that Percival has debts,' she said, 'but I won't sign anythin without reading it first.'

As Laura was reading Anne's note, she heard footsteps behind her

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As a child, Nancy loved reading, and she was very intelligent.

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Hope you have enjoyed the reading!