How to use "recognized" in a sentence


Two ex-prisoners from Toulon recognized him as Jean Valjean

An excited whisper went around the courtroom as everybody recognized M

And, because she was carrying an expensive doll and was no longer wearing rags, not many recognized Cosette.

The concierge then recognized Marius from the previous week

'I recognized him.'

It's been eight years, but I recognized him at once.'

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

He looked up and recognized Eponine, Thenardiers elder daughter

Marius hugged Enjolras and many other friends he recognized.

Looking round, Marius recognized Cosette's father

Despite the unexpectedness of this meeting, Valjean recognized the man at once

Valjean did not show that he recognized the man, and saw with relief that Thenardier had not recognized him.

Although the man's face was hidden in shadow, Valjean recognized him as Inspector Javert.

Sala walked out, and the screen on the door of her apartment recognized her, and let her in.

The door recognized that they had tickets, and let them in

Sala didn't look at her at first, but when the woman spoke, she recognized her voice at once.

She was staring out at the view with that faraway look in her eyes - that look that Sala now recognized

'I recognized you at once,' Mrs Van Hopper said

I recognized Rebecca's hard, black writing.

The mirror revealed a person whom she hardly recognized: a haggard, bloodless, sunken-eyed fright.

Elliot recognized them for what they were

It has grown quite a lot, but I recognized it all right.'

I suppose you recognized part of Dandelo's head

I picked it up - and recognized it as my pistol! And I just thought Anne must have taken it, meaning to shoot herself because she was so unhappy

She recognized the pistol

I recognized him immediately as Miss Marple's nephew and I apologized

I think I recognized that voice.'

I explained about the telephone call and how I had thought I recognized Hawes' voice

I recognized him at the same moment.