How to use "romance" in a sentence


Sure, there are one or two bigger than her, but none of them has her romance or her luxury," Mrs Carolina Heath says as they enter the dining room.

Fighting with Michael, coping with the shock of separation and divorce, grieving for Danny, and putting together the show with Joel Bandiri had filled her days and nights, so she'd had no chance to think of romance.

Later, with the stage show to produce and with poor Danny's death weighing heavily on her, she hadn't been in the mood for romance

This was one of my early attempts to write a cross-genre novel mixing action, suspense, romance, and a touch of the paranormal

'I wonder if there is a romance between the artist Lawrence Redding and Lettice Protheroe,' said Miss Wetherby.

'Len, do you really think I am having a romance with Lawrence Redding?'

It had made me think about the past romance between Lawrence and Griselda.