How to use "school" in a sentence


I went to an ordinary school for a year

Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there

I stayed in that school for five or six years

But when I was thirteen, I grew six inches in six months! And by the time I was sixteen, I was bigger and heavier than all the other boys in the school.

'What school do you go to?' he asked.

I told him about the idiot school.

Three days later, the man in the car came and got me out of school

The man in the car took me and Mom to the new high school

I began to play football with the high school team, and Coach Fellers helped me

And I went to lessons in the school

And who do you think I saw in the school cafe? Jenny Curran! She was all grown-up now, with pretty black hair, long legs, and a beautiful face

A day or two later, after school in the afternoon, he and his friends came up to me and started pushing and hitting me

It was good news: if I played in their football team, there was a place for me in school there.

'They never taught me to catch a ball at high school,' I said

After I left the idiot school, people were always shouting at me - Coach Fellers, Coach Bryant, and then the people in the army

'She left school and went off with a group of people who were against the war,' he said.

'I didn't leave school,' said Jenny

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

At the end of the cottages was the entrance to Brown's stableyard, and then the long wall of a school

In Berner Street, almost opposite a school, were two big wooden gates which opened into Dutfield's Yard, a dark, narrow court between numbers 42 and 40

he noticed a man and a woman by the school wall opposite Dutfield's Yard

On Friday November 30th Druitt lost his job at a private school for some unknown reason

The police car stops in the driveway of the school, and the two detectives get out and look around

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

"God, what kind of kid goes to a school like this?"

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

"Not like my school."

"I went to a real school

"Er, a grammar school, Sir." And Smith nods his head and says nothing.

"Mr Fletcher lives on the grounds of the school

Several areas in the school are being renovated."

"And did he leave the school last night?"

"Detective, the young men at this school are very clever and come from very important families

Well, I suppose we could have a look around the school..."

They cross the courtyard, and Smith stops to pick up a school tie on the floor by the new wall

But then he felt school ties being wrapped around his hands and feet and mouth

When Owen was a boy of fourteen, he played rugby or football every day, he ran to the school in the village just for fun, and he spent every Sunday in the forests with his dad.

I started playing when I was seven or eight, with friends at school, online, in local competitions

I was like a child on her first day at school.

"That's not quite the way they explained the system in law school," Elliot said.

I go out into the Byfleet Road, and vehicles pass me, a boy on a bicycle, children going to school - and suddenly they become strange and unreal, and I hurry on again with the soldier through the hot, dangerous silence

When my mother came here, she started a school in the village

Listen: "There is a new student at the village school, a little girl called Anne Catherick

She taught at a school and also worked as a private teacher - she taught children in someone's house

Boys and girls, she wrote, must go to school together.

They said, "People cannot have a television or play music." In January 2008, the Taliban said, "Girls cannot go to school."

She wrote about the last days before her school closed

130 million girls in the world do not go to school, and 15 million girls of primary-school age will never go into a classroom

But she went to school, too.

After leaving school, Rigoberta worked against human rights crimes by Guatemalan soldiers from 1960 to 1996, during a war in the country

When she was older, they paid for her to go to a women's school in Paris.

Valentina left school when she was sixteen and worked at a factory, but she continued her education in the evenings

She said, "I wanted to stay in school but he refused