How to use "screen" in a sentence


I put the camcorder on the boulder, then turn the screen the other way

They reached the simulator center, and Sala lifted her wrist to touch a gray screen by the door

There was a screen on the wall with a list of places to choose from: places they would never see for real.

Sala walked out, and the screen on the door of her apartment recognized her, and let her in.

At Cham's door, she stood by the recognition screen and waited.

"Let me change this horrible illusion." He went to the screen on the wall, and changed the scenery to a sunny park

Each time, Leti typed in a complicated code to let them in, as well as waiting by the recognition screen

He finished, and turned to Cham's parents, handing them a screen

Cham's mom and dad took the screen, looking first at each other and then at Cham.

"Place your hand on the screen, one at a time," said Leti.

The screen was red, but as her skin touched it, it changed to orange, and then green

Cham moved stiffly forward, took the screen from his dad, and lifted his hand

Sala stood by the recognition screen and waited until Cham's mom Dani came to the door.

The screen filled with a soft blue light.

The names and addresses of VIP customers who had missed the opening of Magyck! - Along with the wedding anniversaries of those who were married - began to appear on the screen, scrolling upward

She glanced at the printer, then at the words that flickered across the screen.

The message blinked and vanished from the screen

She didn't want to look at the screen again, but she did

On the screen, scrolling up:

The screen glowed with those words - then went blank.

Suddenly, as the screen began to fill with the same seven-line message that had just been wiped from it, Tina had enough

She switched the machine off, and the blue glow faded from the screen.

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

The screen was filled with crazily wiggling lines, as if it was out of order.

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

Maybe Danny could prevent the alarms from sounding, and maybe he could not, so Elliot fired once, and the display screen dissolved into thousands of splinters of glass.

There's no way to screen them out ahead of time

In the script, Tina saw the narrow road initially as a strange light beyond a screen of trees