How to use "send" in a sentence


I tell her how proud I am of her and send her my love and best wishes.

I'll have to send them to you!'

I also wrote a letter to Jenny Curran and asked Mom to ask her parents to send it on to her

It was the doctors at the hospital who decided to send me to NASA - that's the space centre at Houston, in Texas.

'Then send the rest to Jenny and little Forrest,' I said.

She finally managed to earn a little money sewing shirts, but she was unable to send money regularly to the Thenardiers.

Please don't send me to prison.'

Madeleine sent the Thenardiers 300 francs and told them to send Cosette to Montreuil immediately

His grandfather often tried to send him money, but Marius always returned it

Nothing had changed, and he decided that he had one last duty to perform: he must send Cosette a final message and tell her of his death

When you arrive there, I'll send you another 20,000 francs

I've been trying to send a message for many years, but nothing has crossed the boundary successfully

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

'They're going to send a diver down soon, Mrs de Winter,' said the coastguard

'Shall I send you my report?' Dr Baker asked.

"Just give me your name and address, and I'll send a man out right away."

"During the year, I'm going to send special invitations to the married ones, asking them to spend their anniversaries here, with everything comped for three days

tried to use the hotel computer to send his message to me

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

He can't send 'concise mental messages' because he doesn't have that much power or control

'Watson!' he said, 'I know the names of Openshaw's enemies! And now I'm going to send them a surprise! This will frighten them!' He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope

'When that bossy little man wants me, you can send him over to the surgery

'I am going to send you away

Henderson went to the railway station at once, to send a telegram to London.

The Martians are able to send out enormous clouds of black smoke

One man - the first - had even managed to send a telegram to Paris

They write to her and tell her to send them a hundred pounds, or they will tell her new husband everything

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

The Americans did not send a woman into space until Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983.