How to use "sex" in a sentence


She told herself that sex was just like riding a bicycle, impossible to un learn, but the frivolousness of that analogy didn't increase her self-confidence.

She saw a longing and a need in his dark eyes, a powerful wanting that was only partly sex, and she knew the same need to be loved and valued must be in her eyes for him to see.

Good, healthy lovemaking with a man who cared for her would have helped her recover much faster than she had done, for sex was the antithesis of death, a joyous celebration of life, a denial of the tomb's existence.

With her, sex was a delightful bonus, a lagniappe, but it wasn't the main reason he wanted her beside him

A short time later, in bed, they held each other close, but neither of them had sex in mind

Murder was, in many ways, more thrilling to him than sex

Also, strange as it may seem, the Martians were absolutely without sex

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

We are born as a sex - either as a boy or girl, she said