How to use "shaking" in a sentence


Most of my body feels warmer, but I'm still shaking because my head and neck are cold

Mrs Ralston's hand was shaking as she put down the phone

Then, shaking hard, I continue chipping at the boulder

Suddenly I heard a voice shaking in that strange language

A lot of army people were there, and they immediately started shaking my hand and telling me that I was a brave man and that they were pleased to meet me.

Jondrette, who had just come in, was shaking snow from his shoes.

'Monsieur, you are very kind,' said Jean Valjean, shaking Marius's hand and leaving the room.

My hand was shaking

His whole body was shaking with fear and tears were rolling down his fat, round face.

She couldn't stop shaking.

She couldn't pour for them because her hands were shaking too badly.

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

His hands were shaking.

"Swindled," Tina said, shaking her head.

Those letters were on Uncle Elias's envelope too!" We were both shaking and afraid.

He was shaking all over.

And, shaking her head, she left.

Hawes was shaking all over

He was walking up and down, and his whole body was shaking.

I let myself into my house and locked the door, walked to the bottom of the stairs and sat down, shaking violently.

I felt no fear, only a wild, shaking excitement, as I ran up the hill towards the unmoving Martian

They talk and grow angry, paler, uglier, and I wake, cold and shaking, in the darkness.

'Mr Hartright?' she asked, shaking my hand