How to use "short" in a sentence


A short man in strange black clothes opened a secret door on the top of the ship

The other was short

Captain Nemo spoke to the short man in their strange language, then the short man left us

'I'm getting smaller and smaller!' After a short time, she was only 25 centimetres high.

But Alice was too short and she couldn't get the key

In a short time, Alice was more than three meters high.

She ran fast and after a short time, she came to a pretty little house

But after a very short time she was too big for the room

Everything was quiet for a short time, then something hard hit her arm.

In a short time, she was her right size again.

Alice stayed under the tree for a short time

In a short time she was about 60 centimetres high

After a short time, there were a lot of people round the Cat

To make a long story short - he did.

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years.

He said the woman was short, and wore a black jacket and bonnet

He wore a brown deerstalker hat and was short, about 1.63m

What is the most probable picture of the murderer? He was a short man, not more than 1.68m, between 28-35 years old, with a light brown moustache

Mrs Lewis described Hutchinson as a short, stout man

He did not see the boy return a short time later and whisper something to the innkeeper.

He turned back to the room, picked up his bag and took out a short iron bar, sharpened at one end

A short time later, he met a priest on horseback.

One month later, Thenardier was short of money again, so he took Cosette's beautiful silk clothes to Paris and sold them for sixty francs

She rented a small room, sent money regularly to the Thenardiers and, for a short time, was almost happy

A short time later, the girls grew bored with their game

After a short time, he rose to his feet and looked again at the blotter

I raise a hand to my face and feel a short nose and a small mouth

And then the guard is at the door, a short fat man who looks at us, smiles and then opens it without a single question

To my left I see the short fat man sit down on the floor with his hands on his head; then Robin runs to the office and kicks open the door.

It is better than serving drinks in a pub or helping out at his dad's office, but only if it is a short day, and only if the case is closed quickly

One is clearly a policewoman, but the other, a short man, has no uniform.

Junior is short for his age

He has a short beard and pale, unhealthy skin, and she thinks that his eyes are probably unkind.

On the front there is a picture of a man with a short beard and pale skin and unkind eyes

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

It only works for a short time," Wena carried on

So much had changed in just a few short weeks

Her fat, heavy body swayed above her short fat legs

The dress was very simple, with short sleeves and a long, full skirt

Maxim was talking in quick, short sentences

'We'll keep it as short as possible, but I'm afraid the reporters will be there.'

She fluffed her pillows, rearranged the covers, and tugged at the short nightgown in which she slept

She was seventy, still in excellent health, a short sturdy woman with the sweet face of a Botticelli Madonna and the no-nonsense walk of an army sergeant.

How could the temperature have dropped so far in such a short time? She listened for the sound of the air conditioner, but the telltale whisper wasn't issuing from the wall vents

"On such short notice?"

He followed her past the kitchen, into the short hall, into the laundry room, and from there into the garage.

"Well, there was the gas man," Tina said as she hurried down the short hall toward the master bedroom.

Tom's hand stopped short of the button.

Elliot and Tina sat as far from everyone as possible, in the last booth in the short wing of the restaurant.

She had the same feeling of being watched that she'd had in the parking lot a short while ago.

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

The raw, damp wind was stronger now than it had been a short while ago, when they'd landed at the airport

A short time later, in bed, they held each other close, but neither of them had sex in mind

The hole in the wall was not wide enough for him to step through, into her passageway; he could only thrust one arm at her, and his long, bony fingers were an inch or two short of her

The second gate was one and a half miles past the first, on a short length of straightaway, just over the brow of a hill

They followed the blinking lights to the end of the short wing in which the elevators were situated

At the far end a window filled the center of the other short wall and apparently offered a view of a cold-storage vault; it was white with frost

Jack Morgan fought the wind, stabilized the aircraft, and pulled it up only a few feet short of the treetops.

And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later, as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit

That's an incredibly short incubation period

In relatively short order, we accomplished that

He explained his plan in short, typewritten notes, and I agreed to everything.

'Ah, yes I heard that Madame Delambre had been writing a lot, but we could find nothing but the short note informing us that she was taking her own life.'

Time is short

It must have been Miss Cram because her skirt was so short.'

We turned and walked this way, but after a short distance, there were no more broken bushes

'Because a short time afterwards she came back, and she didn't have the suitcase with her.'

Inspector Slack's evidence was careful and short

Inspector Slack's orders, when I spoke to him on the telephone, were short and strong

The morning papers on Saturday contained, in addition to a great deal of information about the planet Mars, one very short report.

One of the ladies, a short woman dressed in white, was screaming

I had seen the Martians themselves once before, but only for a short time, and then the sight had almost made me sick

The Martians might only stay in this pit for a short time, then move on

With all the diseases I had, I knew my life was short

Life is too short! I'll tell you what is not wrong with me..

He looked at the wet night and gave a short bark of agreement.

In a short while, Mercy left the house to go and live in the government house that Mensar-Arthur had managed to get for her.

Sir P sometimes let me go away for a short while

That, in short, was our great conspiracy

After a short time, the bus was full, and the driver noticed that some white people were standing up

That was because she wore the short trousers her mother made her wear