How to use "shut" in a sentence


Sadly, she shut the door again and put the key back on the table.

He was a little man, and he was sitting on the floor with his eyes shut when we got to Jenny's flat.

Next morning, when I got up, Rudolph was still sitting on the floor with his eyes shut.

He went with her to the street door and asked her to shut it when she left.

'The baker's was shut,' she lied.

Marius shut his book, opened it again and made an effort to read

Slamming the door shut behind her she cried victoriously, 'He's coming!'

He went into his room, pushing the door behind him, but the door would not shut

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

The second killed a deaf old woman who was trying to shut her window.

He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.

I can see Robin's gun appear in his hand, and then I am inside too, and I pull the door shut.

And they shut the door on what remains of Jimmy Lane.

At once, there was silence: the noise of all the people outside was completely shut out

With the story-stream still playing, her eyes slowly began to shut.

There was a low mechanical noise as the walls of the pod began to shut softly around her.

I shut the book quickly

'I'm afraid it's all my fault,' he said and then he shut the door

Then he went quickly into the library and shut the door.

I shut my eyes and tried to remember what it was.

I shut the door of the room and locked it.

The door was shut, but I could hear what he said.

She shut the door and walked up the stairs

I shut my eyes

I went out of the room quickly and shut the door behind me

I shut my eyes

I shut the cabin door behind me, climbed into the dinghy and rowed back

Then the door shut and, somehow, she was trapped there

'You have told us that the door and windows of the cabin were shut?'

Then Mrs Danvers came in and shut the door behind her.

He shut the door behind him

'Goodbye.' And he shut the door.

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

Shivering, she thoroughly erased the words on the chalkboard, retrieved her handgun, and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

When she shut off the radio the third time, she kept her finger pressed against the ON-OFF bar

Nevertheless, untouched, the doors glided shut..

The closet door slammed open and shut with substantially more force than it had earlier.

I should've shut up and let you get around to it first

When she was in the car, he shut her door, ran to the driver's side, and climbed in behind the steering wheel.

"A tremendous sense of peace, of reassurance, came over me in the diner, just before you finally managed to shut off the jukebox

What about this Bellicosti? Will he keep his mouth shut?"

He leaped in and pulled the door shut

The drapes drew open, slid shut, drew open, slid shut, even though no one was near the draw cords.

He sighed and drove through the gate, which swung shut behind the Explorer.

The outer door slid shut behind them - whoosh - making an airtight seal.

One passageway extended fifty feet to the left of the door and fifty feet to the right; on both sides were more doors, all shut, plus a bank of four elevators on the right

Then slid shut

She swung the steel door shut

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

He shut the door after me, and I heard him pouring out coffee as I read:

And when I found Lettice alone downstairs in the sitting room, I went in and shut the door.

I shut the door and moved back into the hall and tried to hide myself in the corner

It blew shut again

'"If we need any help, we'll call you," she said and shut the door in my face.

He took her back to the house and shut her in her room