How to use "small" in a sentence


It's just a small animal moving in the rock

I will never be able to cut through them with only a small knife.

I stood in front of the window like a small boy at the zoo, and, believe me, I didn't feel at all like Captain Nemo's prisoner.

There was a small boat on the Nautilus which we used to get to land

We found bananas and coconuts, and we made a small camping area for the day

I felt something small hit my head.

I found Captain Nemo in a small room next to the museum

I had a small telescope with me, so I put it up to my eye to see what he was looking at

We only had small knives to fight them with

Captain Nemo took us to a small cave

The Nautilus shook as we went through the small tunnel

We're close to Europe, and we can take the small boat to get to land

Outside, six or seven small squid moved along the top of the Nautilus, throwing all their tentacles at the ship and its men

He stood and looked at a picture of a young woman with two small children

I found Ned Land and Conseil in the small boat on the platform

It had a very small key on it.

The key was too small.

Then she saw a very small door about 40 centimeters high

She heard the sound of small feet

But this time her tears were small tears - she was small again!

But the chocolates were too big for the small birds, and they had to eat them very slowly

After a time, she heard the sound of small feet and looked up.

She went into a small room

I don't like being small.'

I can't get bigger!' So she ate the cake and two or three minutes later she was small again

She was tired because she was very small now.

'Seven centimetres is too small.'

'I'm really small!'

She was back in the long room, near the little table! 'I'm small now

Near Alice was a small tree with flowers on it

But the pots were only small.

It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms

That's why you also gave me small amounts of poison.' Mr Slinkton was surprised by Beckwith's behaviour

Buck's Row was a quiet, narrow road with warehouses on one side and some small houses or cottages on the other

The inspector saw a piece of muslin and two small combs that the murderer had put near her feet

The small sum of money which she received from her husband stopped when he died in 1886

We know that witnesses often make small errors in time, so the man Mrs Darrell saw was very probably the murderer, and he attacked Annie at approximately 5.30 a.m

Schwartz later described the man as 1.65m tall, about 30, with a small brown moustache

We can imagine her singing to herself as she walked along, a small woman, about 1.52m, and thin

Why had the Ripper burnt them? When Abbeline discovered only one small piece of candle in the room, he thought that the killer had made a fire with the clothes because he needed more light to do his terrible work.

Schwartz said the man had a small moustache

If the woman was Catherine Eddowes, then the man was certainly Jack the Ripper: about thirty, of average height, with a small moustache and a cap with a peak.

Hutchinson said the man was aged about 34-35, just over 1.67m, with a pale face, dark eyes and hair and a small moustache

He was carrying a small parcel

'What about that one over there?' she said, pointing across the square to a small house beside the bishop's palace.

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

'My little girl walked some of the way, but she's very small

She rented a small room, sent money regularly to the Thenardiers and, for a short time, was almost happy

That winter, Fantine saved money by not having a fire, and developed a small, dry cough

After being released from prison, this Valjean stole some silver from the Bishop of Digne and robbed a small boy on a public footpath

If he's found guilty of stealing from the bishop - who, as you know, died a couple of years ago - and of robbing the small boy, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.'

You made one small mistake, that's all

Instead, with a small sigh, she fell back against her pillow and lay completely still.

'It takes more than a small town prison to hold a man as strong as that,' they all agreed.

'This is a very heavy bucket for such a small child,' he said gently, looking down at her from his great height.

I believe that he recently managed a small inn in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris

For the next three years, Marius lived in a small room in an old, damp-walled building on the outskirts of Paris - the same room that Valjean and Cosette had lived in eight years earlier

Sometimes he stood for half an hour in a place where her father could not see him, looking at her and enjoying the small, secret smiles she sent him.

He found that she lived in a small house at the quiet end of the rue de l'Ouest

Then he noticed a small parcel of papers lying on the ground.

She! Everyone who has ever loved will feel the force of that small word

'Take these with you,' the inspector went on, producing two small guns

One afternoon he was sitting in a field, looking down at a small river, when his dreams of 'Ursula' were suddenly broken by the sound of a familiar voice

It was a small house in a back street, with a large, wild garden

Inside, there was a small notebook filled with love poems

During that month of May in the year 1832, Cosette and Marius met every day in the wild garden of that small, secret house

Finally, he heard a small sound behind him and, turning round, he saw that Cosette was in tears.

As soon as the fighting started, Enjolras and several of his friends started to build a barricade outside the Corinth wine shop in the rue de la Chanvrerie, a small street surrounded by dark alleys in the market district of Paris

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

He waited in the small, damp room for an hour before sadly returning home

I raise a hand to my face and feel a short nose and a small mouth

An ordinary face with small dark eyes and dirty brown hair

Maybe he is his friend, his partner, and I am about to run when I see the small gun in his hand.

"He matches the girl's description perfectly: dirty brown hair, small dark eyes

There is no stopping now, so I pull the small stereo from one of the black bags on my shoulder, and I press play.

"That's okay," Robin says, and he picks up one of the bags and puts it on the table, "we brought our own money: twenty thousand pounds in small notes

He looks at the loch again, at the jetty and the small boats waiting there for the tourists in the hotel

"Oh thank you!" Sylvia says, and the attendant helps them into the small rowing boat and passes Oliver the picnic bag

And on the small jetty on the bank of Loch Ness, the attendant hears, he takes the cigarette from his mouth and smiles

I have a small media company."

Gerry pushes open the door of the small Australian pub and steps onto the terrace with a pint of cold beer in his hand

Inside the pub it is small and dark, and the barman is rude and suspicious, but Gerry has to agree that the view from the terrace is more than spectacular

Gerry smiles, sits down at one of the small, wooden tables and places his bag carefully next to his feet

And the brother called Darwin comes out of the bar with two small bottles of beer.

It is just a small crocodile

Gerry looks down and sees the small crocodile biting Big Jones's leg.

He looks at the food on the small tables in front of the cafes and bars.

Only a small trace of it can be detected

The door of your wardrobe is open, and the clothes inside look like three or four small burglars watching you

Inside the room everything is silent, apart from the slow and constant tick of the small clock on the wall, and the fast, irregular beat of your heart.

At the side of your bed, there is a table, and on the table there is a small statue

And so he watches the street and the small redbrick houses

And so he waits, and the evening becomes darker, and he thinks that there are now only one or two people left in the small old church

It is small, so small, and it reminds him of his prison cell back in The Joy

"Father?" he says, but there is no reply, and he can see no movement behind the grille that separates his small space from the other.

So he tries to make himself comfortable on the small chair

Maybe it is time for the first drink of the day after all, and he takes the small flask from the pocket of his denim jacket, removes the lid and swallows.

It's small, too small for a tall man like him.

I just know that if we ask them for a small amount, then they can pay

Soon they are deep in the forest, and Owen finds a small clearing

Her arm hurts, so she takes her jacket off, and in the mirror she can see a small drop of blood on her skin.

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

The woman reached for Sala's hand and slipped a small package into it

It was made of clear plastic, and inside, there was some kind of small dark red fruit

Sala nodded, giving her the small plastic package

Gran had a chip buried under her skin like everyone else, but she wore a bracelet to hide it as a small way of protesting about the government's tight control over everyone.

How an excited look come into her small eyes.

In a moment, de Winter was sitting on a small chair and I was next to Mrs Van Hopper on the long seat.

He was having breakfast at a small table in his sitting-room

On the left, were two high iron gates and beside them a small lodge

It was built in a small hollow and its grey stones glowed in the sunlight

At last Mrs Danvers opened a door leading into a small room

The morning-room was quite small and very different from the library

Each chair, each rug, each small ornament had been put there to make the room perfect.

'It leads to a small bay where we used to keep a boat

We had reached the top of a small hill

A small stone wall across the bay made it into a small harbour

He had small, stupid looking eyes

Another door at the end of the room led into a small boat-house

There was something frightening about that small, dark room

The small table was put near the fire and covered with the white cloth

I knew her tall, slim figure, her small face and clear white skin

I went into the small room behind the library and picked up the telephone

There were some small boats near her.

The room was small and full of people

'With those holes, sir, and the sea-cocks open, a small boat like Mrs de Winter's would soon sink

Favell got slowly to his feet, walked over to a small table and poured himself some whisky

Ben stepped into the room and stared at everyone with his small eyes

Mrs Danvers came back with a small book in her hand.

I looked at my small case

From that, she moved up through a series of similar positions in larger lounges, then in small showrooms that seated four or five hundred in second-rate hotels with limited show budgets

Of course, if the production was a flop, if it failed to please the audience, she might be back working the small lounges again, on her way down

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

As she stared at the contents of the musky closet - the boy's shoes, his jeans, dress slacks, shirts, sweaters, his blue Dodgers' baseball cap, the small blue suit he had worn on special occasions - a lump rose in her throat

She stood indecisively in the center of the small kitchen, trying to find the willpower to go to Danny's room and box his clothes, as she had planned

He was a rugged, good-looking man, neither big nor small, about forty

They made pleasant small talk for the next fifteen minutes, and none of it had to do with Magyck! Tina was aware that they were trying to take her mind off the show, and she appreciated their effort.

She got out of the car and, carrying a purse the size of a small suitcase, marched up the walk toward the house, angling away from the front door and past the garage.

The maddening electronic squeal issued from a pair of small stereo speakers that hung on the wall behind the bed

A five-piece band hammered out wildly amplified pop music from the small stage in the open cocktail lounge beyond and slightly above the slot machines

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

She had to take another small sip of cognac before she was able to say what was on her mind, and she realized that he had been right about the liquor having little effect on her

Hundreds of cars progressed sluggishly through the busy street, taxicabs darting in and out, recklessly seeking any small advantage

"You've spent a small fortune here

And then he began planting small kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks, her nose, the corners of her mouth, her chin

He switched on a small lamp that stood upon the dresser, and he turned down the sheets.

Standing at the sink, he peeled and chopped a small onion, cleaned six stalks of celery, and peeled several slender carrots

The small man fidgeted, and the tall man smiled.

He removed other things from the bag too: a length of flexible rubber tubing, a sphygmomanometer for monitoring blood pressure, two small bottles of amber-colored fluid, and a packet of disposable hypodermic syringes.

Elliot had a pretty good idea of what it would feel like, and he was sweating under his arms and in the small of his back, but he didn't move, and he didn't respond to the stranger's taunting.

He found some small change, a comb, a wallet, and the sheaf of papers on which were typed the questions that Elliot had been expected to answer.

And in a small local election like the one Kennebeck won, stacking the deck would be easy if you had enough money and government muscle behind you."

If you're looking for a freelance hit man, someone who deals in carload lots of illegal weapons, maybe a mercenary who can put together a small expeditionary force for an overseas operation - you can find all of them here

Elliot drove behind the restaurant and tucked the Mercedes into a slot in the deepest shadows, between a Toyota Celica and a small motor home, where it could not be seen from the street.

He reached into a pocket of his leisure suit and took out a tiny aerosol can that was only slightly larger than one of those spray-style breath fresheners, small enough to be concealed in Bruckster's hand.

A tiny model of a seventeenth-century Dutch pinnace was perpetually under sail in a small, pale-blue bottle

"Have you been checking small craft leaving the airport?" Kennebeck asked.

Crouching low, trying to make as small a target of himself as possible, Elliot ran to where he had seen the snow move

After long and arduous lobbying of the director, Alexander had at last been awarded this small jet; and immediately he put two full-time pilots, ex-military men, on the payroll of the Nevada bureau.

He was in chains, sitting in the center of a small, well-lighted cavern, but the passageway that led to him was shadowy and reeked of danger

Billy Sandstone was in his late thirties, as small and lean as a jockey, and his watchword seemed to be "neatness." His shoes shone like black mirrors

The plane's so damn small

"I'm a small circlet of hard candy?"

"Come on." He went to the big pane of glass, where only a few small spots of frost remained.

He thrust it between two of the side rails, and he opened his small weak hand beseechingly, reaching for love, trying desperately to touch her.

When their hands touched, his small fingers curled tightly around hers

When they took Danny out of the small room, they couldn't hear Zachariah's shouted invectives through the airtight steel door.

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business

But there was one small room at the top of the house which was always locked

on the back, and five small orange pips

He showed us a small, half-burnt piece of paper

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

Unfortunately I cannot see small things very easily.

'Yes, I saw you bury a small box.'

It seemed odd for such a cultured woman to be living in a small country village.

But it was probably a small pistol - say a Mauser 25.'

He is small and has red hair

By the desk was a small object

I followed her up the stairs to her small sitting room

Old Hall goes to me, but Lettice can choose enough furniture for a small house, and she will have enough money to buy one.'

This time I noticed some more small branches were broken

Then I pulled out a small suitcase

Then he took a small box from his pocket, took a pill from the box, and swallowed it with the water.

He threw small stones at Anne's window to wake her up and she came down to the garden to talk to him

We had no idea that we were being studied almost as carefully as a scientist studies the small creatures in a drop of water

However, the next day there was no report in the newspapers except one small note in the Daily Telegraph, and the world knew nothing of one of the greatest dangers that ever threatened Earth.

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

The common was now covered with small groups of people

Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers - engineers, I think, men wearing small round caps, dirty red jackets and dark trousers

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

They sent a small boat and agreed on a price of thirty-six pounds for the three passengers

The Thunder Child, too, fired a small gun and sent up a string of flags

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

Steamships whistled and sent up clouds of steam, sails were let out and small boats rushed here and there

As we passed other small towns, we found them unaffected by either Heat-Ray or Black Smoke, and there were some people alive, although none could give us news

And then the light came, not through the window, which was filled with earth from the garden, but through a small hole that had been knocked in the wall

Down on the left a busy little digging-machine could be seen, sending out small clouds of green smoke and working its way round the pit, making it bigger and piling the earth up over the top

I realized the stupidity of the small hope I had held on to for so long

When you look at Montmorency, you see an angel from paradise, in the form of a small fox-terrier

'In order to travel to the north part of the River Thames, we need a small boat,' George said

'With a small boat, we can carry only necessary things

They looked at all our luggage: a big suitcase, a small bag, two big hampers, some pans, some umbrellas, five coats and raincoats.

Far in the distance, we saw a small fishing boat

We had a small breakfast and we were ready to go

We went directly to the restaurant and had a small meal

They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

I followed the parish clerk into the vestry, a small building attached to the church

It was written in a very small space at the bottom of the page

Each member of the Brotherhood has a scar like this one on his arm.' Pesca rolled up his sleeve and showed me a small red scar

Rigoberta was born in 1959 to a poor K'iche' Maya (Indigenous) family in a small village in Guatemala.

Her father had a small business, and they lived in a large house

Women often lived in very small rooms

Lise and Otto Hahn led the small group of scientists who first split the atom

Howland Island is 2,556 miles from Lae in the Pacific Ocean, and it is a very small island.

Fanny was born in 1918 in a small town in the Netherlands

In Japan, for example, the MeToo movement started small, but it is getting bigger

"Let me kiss your hand." Zorro takes her small hand and kisses it