How to use "dog" in a sentence


'Perhaps - perhaps you like dogs? There's a very nice little dog near our house

He even tried sleeping in a garden, but was chased away by a dog

The dog and the cat, who ate with her, were her only companions.

He became like a homeless dog, wandering the streets in a mood of dark despair

A dog outside in the street? The alarm of a car? A baby crying in the next house?

You know that Sophie is sleeping in her usual position at the top of the stairs and that she never makes a noise in the night, and you wish, for the first time, that you also had a dog

A large brave dog to bark and growl at any intruders

Yes, a brave dog to protect you instead of just a lazy cat that lies in dangerous places.

A dog ran up from the fireside to greet us

I was glad of the dog's friendly welcome

I bent down to the dog and stroked its soft ears.

Someone else had poured coffee and stroked the dog

The dog, Jasper, came to me because in the past he had come to Rebecca.

I was glad to see the dog, Jasper, there, sitting in front of the fire.

I bent down to stroke the dog's head

The dog looked back at us

The man took no notice of the dog.

The dog looked up, but he did not come to me

'I want something to tie the dog

'I know that dog, it's not yours

'He's Mr de Winter's dog,' I said kindly

'Why should I run after the damned dog?' Maxim said, not looking at me.

The dog took no notice.

"He was our dog

And predicting that a runaway dog will be killed in traffic - that's just a reasonable assumption to make under the circumstances

And then one day Andre put Miquette, our dog, into his 'transmitter'

He did not tell me first, knowing very well that I would never have agreed to such an experiment with our dog

Cal sleeps on the beach with Sunny, his dog

I heard a dog, and that familiar sound made me listen

Then, early on the fifteenth day, I heard the sound of a dog outside

I moved forwards, saying, 'Good dog!' very softly, but it suddenly pulled his head back and disappeared.

Against the sky-line an eager dog ran and disappeared

I was curious and I stopped to find the twisted and broken dog-cart with the whitened bones of the horse

They stand up in front of me, torn and dog-bitten

He looks like a good, well-behaved dog

You think he is a sweet, gentle little dog

Montmorency is a courageous dog, but the cold eyes of that cat terrified him

He had eleven dog fights on the first day and fourteen on the second day

Twenty minutes later, three men and a dog were going to the railway station.

'We'll return at half past ten for the dog and for a good supper,' I told the restaurant owner.