How to use "sounds" in a sentence


He sounds like a doctor

Minutes later, the sounds of war echoed across the whole city of Paris.

But when his wife laughs, she sounds like a donkey.

The sounds never stop: the horns of the big yellow taxis, the music from the bars and the restaurants

The smells and sounds make a horrible mixture.

"Court reporter" sounds good; it sounds important, and that is exactly how he describes it to any girl that asks

Behind him he can hear Junior, who sounds like he is very scared.

All they could hear were the sounds of the waves and the gentle wind in the trees

It sounds great

While Sala and Cham were watching the fish, the dolphins carried on making a huge variety of sounds - whistles and clicks and strange, wild calls

"It certainly sounds like it

The roar of conversation grew louder as the sounds ticked away, and the quality of the roar became more frenetic, gayer, and more often punctuated with laughter.

The huge room was so noisy that the blend of sounds seemed to coalesce into a visible substance - like a humid yellow haze in the air

"He sounds like an excellent candidate to me."

That sounds more like the Christina Evans I know."

"To me, it sounds plausible if not probable

"And it sounds to me as if Bellicosti knows too much about it."

With every step he took, Elliot expected to hear a shot fired a cry of alarm, and the sounds of men in pursuit of quarry.

"It sounds crazy," Elliot said

I thought that the sounds came from up above but when I called up these stairs, "Is anybody there?" there was no answer, so I went back to bed

But why didn't the stupid fellow destroy this one? It just proves he's guilty! Listen, that sounds like a car.' He went to the window

But now the sounds inside had stopped, and a thin circle of bright metal showed between its top and body.

The air was full of deafening and confusing noises: the loud sounds of the Martians, the crash of falling houses, the flash of fire as trees and fences began to burn

For hours we lay there in the darkness, while from outside came the sounds of hammering and then, after some time, a sound like an engine

It is generally supposed that the Martians communicated by sounds and by moving their arms

If you stand by the sea with Harris and say, 'Listen to the sounds of the sea