How to use "standing" in a sentence


Now I can rest my knees instead of standing up all the time.

I begin my routine of standing and sitting

Another night of the sitting - standing routine will kill me

A man who looks like a policeman is standing with two nurses in white coats on the hospital steps

We were standing in it, when suddenly there was a strange noise.

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

Then I looked up and saw a woman who was standing near him.

He was standing near the fire

That man standing at the door is Mr Sampson's servant

Sarah Lewis, the witness who passed Christ Church at 2.30 a.m., said she saw a man standing by a lodging house opposite Miller's Court

He watched as several witnesses swore on the Bible that the man standing before the judge was Jean Valjean

Looking up, Cosette saw a huge, white-haired man standing next to her

Now, he discovered the greatest joy he had ever known by just standing beside her bed and looking at her innocent, trusting little face

Someone with a candle was standing outside his room.

She had not entered the room, but was still standing in the half-light of the corridor.

Leblanc rose and, standing with his back to the wall, looked quickly round the room

Jondrette was on his left, his wife was standing on his right near the door

Leblanc was standing by the fire, holding a metal bar above his head.

When everybody had been arrested and taken from the room, Javert noticed the prisoner, who was standing, head bowed, by the window

Marius was standing at the foot of the barricade, holding a flaming torch above a barrel of gunpowder.

'It's sad,' he murmured to Marius, who was standing next to him

He looked up and saw a man dressed in old clothes standing beside him

Then, just as he was bending to splash water from the river on Marius's face, he was aware of someone else standing behind him

Gillenormand, who was still standing by the window.

I am scared now because I know that I am near, and in the dark I begin to see large, grey stones standing like giants on the top of the hill

We are standing there, the three of us, in front of the bank

We are standing there in front of the glass doors, and no one is looking at us

He walks up the corridor to the front desk and is about to shout for an officer when he sees the tall figure standing at the door of the police station

Then, standing right in front of you in the dark, you see the burglar, and he looks back at you and shouts

One year ago, on March 15, 2087, she'd been standing in Space 29 in one of her favorite illusions

They'd been standing under one of the shelters at the entrance to the walkway

Then the pod moved, and Sala was standing again

He was standing on a rocky seashore, with gray waves crashing in

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

After an hour, her legs were aching from standing still

Instead, she imagined them standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by greenery, with wild roses nodding gently nearby

'What a strange man Max de Winter is,' said Mrs Van Hopper when we were standing in the lift

In a moment, de Winter was standing by my chair.

Where would I say goodbye to him? In the lounge, with Mrs Van Hopper standing near? I was going and everything was over

She was standing by the window, smoking a cigarette

Mrs Danvers was standing at the top of the wide flight of stairs

I was standing in the corridor of the west wing

Maxim was standing in the drive now, calling to Jasper

We were standing in a little narrow bay

There was a man standing on the shore, dressed like a fisherman

He saw me standing behind the door

'I have enjoyed meeting you,' Favell said, standing by his car

Yes, I was standing at the window where I had seen Mrs Danvers and Favell.

'Sometimes I feel she is standing here, behind me

When I came back from my walk, I saw Maxim's car standing in front of the house

Maxim was standing by the window

'What are you standing there for?' he asked me

Mrs Danvers was standing there

I remember standing on the terrace and staring up at the sky

Someone was standing there, looking down at me

Mrs Danvers was still standing by the window

Maxim was standing by the window

The policeman was still standing there.

Tabb, the boat-builder, standing in the centre of the room, was answering the Coroner's questions.

People were standing up and talking loudly

Maxim was standing up

Do you want to know who the murderer is? He's there, standing by the window

'You were there, weren't you?' said Favell, standing over Ben

Everyone was standing up

As we drove away, he was still standing there, watching us.

I saw the staircase at Manderley and Mrs Danvers standing there in her long, black dress

Then I was standing on the terrace

In the dream, Danny was standing at the edge of a bottomless gorge, and Tina was on the far side, opposite him, looking across the immense gulf

She was convinced that the man in black was in her bedroom, standing silently in the darkness, grinning

If I really believed there was even the tiniest chance of anything like that, would I be standing here so cheerful?"

Elliot glanced at Bob, who was still standing at the breakfast table, the packet of syringes in his hand.

as if something I can't see is standing right beside me

The rear windows were blank, black; a sentry might be standing behind any of them, invisible in the darkness.

Kurt Hensen was standing in front of Alexander's desk, picking through the junk that had been brought over from the hotel

One day maybe he would be standing in a graveyard, before the tombstone of one of his victims, and the person he had killed would reach out to him from beyond and let him see, in some vivid clairvoyant fashion, exactly what death was like

More policemen were standing by the steam hammer, watching two men with a camera

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he was standing behind the door

There were very few people that evening at the Wednesday church service, but afterwards, as I left, I saw a woman standing and looking up at one of our coloured-glass windows

A train from London was standing in the station and the train for London was just coming in

Here, where I was standing, his enemy had stood...

She was standing by the window looking out into the garden.

'My servant, Clara, was standing at the front gate, when she heard a sneeze.'

'And Clara couldn't hear Mary sneeze in your kitchen if she was standing at my gate.'

He remained standing on one side of the pit that the Thing had made for itself, staring at its strange appearance and thinking that there might be some intelligent design in its shape

There was now a large crowd of people standing around

I saw a young man - I believe he was a shop assistant in Woking - standing on the cylinder and trying to climb out of the pit again

Quite a number of people who had been expecting friends to arrive by train were standing at the station

'What's happened?' said the curate, standing up.

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

Passengers were fighting for standing room in the carriages even at two o'clock in the morning

People there were standing on the pavement, looking in surprise at the growing crowds of refugees

And then a quick movement of the steamboat (which had turned to avoid being hit) threw him off the seat on which he had been standing

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

It appeared to be standing and calling, for no reason that I could discover.

Far away, through a space in the trees, I saw a second Martian fighting-machine, as unmoving as the first, standing in the park near the Zoo

There, on the top, high against the early morning stars, was a third Martian, standing still like the others.

A number of people were standing by it, and some soldiers were busy in the middle

A man standing at the open door of a house greeted me by name as I passed

A lady was standing by a window at the far end of the room, looking out

'Yesterday, I looked out of the window in our old house, and I saw the Count standing outside with the doctor from the asylum! Then they went away

After a short time, the bus was full, and the driver noticed that some white people were standing up

Sergeant Gonzales and the other soldiers are standing near the fire

She sees standing in front of her

An old friar is standing before the magistrate L The old friar is in chains