How to use "stars" in a sentence


The sky above is beautiful: clear with bright stars

Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.

Beneath the stars, they were happy just to look into each others eyes and hold each other's hands

He watches us all from above and knows what he is doing among his splendid stars

The fireworks rose into the sky and turned into stars and flowers

The sky was dark now and there were no stars.

'There are lots of movie stars here tonight,' he thinks

The walls were decorated with evenly spaced posters - three baseball stars, five hideous monsters from horror movies - that Danny had carefully arranged.

Baseball stars and horror-movie monsters gazed at Vivienne from posters stapled to the walls

When Elliot was informed that a room was available, after all, for two nights, he signed the registration card as "Hank Thomas," a slight twist on the name of one of his favorite movie stars; he entered a phony Seattle address too

Overhead the stars were coming out, and in the west the sky was still a pale, bright, almost greenish blue

We stood for a moment in terror, then ran through a gate behind us into a garden and hid in a corner until the stars were out.

These green stars - I've seen none for five or six days, but I've no doubt they're falling somewhere every night

But before dawn my courage returned, and while the stars were still in the sky I turned again towards Regent's Park

There, on the top, high against the early morning stars, was a third Martian, standing still like the others.

Even if that is true, for many years we will continue to watch Mars carefully, and all falling stars will make us afraid.

'How beautiful,' we said, 'sleeping in the country, under the stars, by the river!'

'We look up and see the moon and the stars

How wonderful this is! We go to bed, and then we dream under the stars! We dream that the world is young again.'

Emily is an astronomer - a scientist who studies the stars in the sky