How to use "starts" in a sentence


"Oh, and just to let you know, there are no bullets in any of our guns." Hastings starts to shout, but we do not listen

And then he starts to chop.

Then the band starts to play a waltz, and Eleanor looks at Edward

But then the hot whiskey starts to fill him, and he smiles, puts his head back and laughs loudly into the desert.

But then the songs stop, and the news report starts

He puts his foot on the accelerator, and the car starts to speed along the old road

"Sure," and Dan starts to lift the lid of the trunk

And he starts to run again, not on the road now, but into the desert

Smith is about to speak when a loud hammering sound starts, and Bowen shakes his head

Then the hammering they heard in the headmaster's office starts again, and the policemen go to the door.

He lifts the two gun bags onto his shoulder and starts to walk

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

The train starts, and she shakes her head.

She starts to feel better: more relaxed and less concerned about the reason why the tube is so quiet today.

The train starts again and she relaxes a little.

Then the earth starts closing in around him, and I wake up screaming, soaked with sweat

"For God's sake, Tina, get in the car, and let's go before the shooting starts."